HiveBR + LeoFinance - Meet the Threads [EN / PT-BR]

in LeoFinance2 years ago


LeoFinance not only took a big step within the Hive community, I can confidently say that they took a leap, and that now we enter an even bigger universe. Short contents.

Many people look at Hive with the eyes that it is a place only for those who like to write long and well-crafted texts, which is not the case, since there are tribes for photos, music, videos, but mostly Hive is flooded by texts.

On the web2 with YouTube shorts, stories on Instagram, or even TikTok, it shows a wide range of people wanting to consume fast content, and this also shows why Twitter is still a success in the market and has not managed to be dethroned by nobody, but it has been reinvented with increased characters, reply, retweet, always improving its function.

But that's history for web2, here we are on web3 and it's what matters to us. And LeoFinance made history, I can safely say that.

Threads are here to stay, and not even a month ago its Alpha version was launched and it is already a success with the amount of comments that happen there. The engagement rate is sky high, like never before, not even on LeoMarketTalk.

And now the Brazilian community will have an exclusive profile to curate LeoFinance's content, with a main focus on Threads. Yes, you are a member of the HiveBR community or a supporter of it, you cannot and should not be left out of it, because our team of curators will be ready to engage in quality publications that you make there, from a simple thought, questioning or even a idea extension with several 🧵.

How to join Threads?

Start by entering the alpha version of the frontend that will give you the possibility to login with your Hive KeyChain.

  • Practicality


After logging in, you can start writing, just start writing in your Home tab and click on Thread, use the # to have more reach.

You can use the ones that are in evidence of the day as shown on the right, or use our #hivebr.

If you want to make a publication, you can use the Post button, but if you just want to participate in Threads, you can do so in the Home tab.

Where can I find HiveBR?


In addition to being of course in the HiveBR community within Hive, we are also on Discord through the link:

You can share the link if you like, it has no expiration time.

We have both a general chat for Brazilians and a chat just for those who want to talk in English there.

But if you want to talk in English in the general chat, that's also free, most users speak both languages and will be able to chat with you comfortably.


I couldn't end this post without thanking some people, because I think it's essential for this moment.

First to @khaleelkazi for the initiative and for being one of the faces in front of it.

To @anomadsoul for helping me with how to bring the HiveBR community into Threads.

And to the Brazilian members who are part of the HiveBR community actively and daily, I'm sorry, but it would be unfair to mention everyone here as I would end up forgetting someone. But you know you are because you are part of it.



LeoFinance não deu apenas um grande passo dentro da comunidade Hive, posso dizer com tranquilidade que deram um salto, e que agora entramos em um universo ainda muito maior. Conteúdos curtos.

Muitas pessoas olham a Hive com olhos de que é um lugar apenas para quem gosta de escrever textos grande e bem elaborados, o que não é o caso, visto que há tribos para fotos, músicas, vídeos, porém em sua maioria o Hive é inundado por textos.

Na web2 com o shorts do Youtube, os stories no Instagram, ou até mesmo o TikTok, mostra uma vasta gama de pessoas querendo consumir conteúdos rápidos, e isso mostra também porque até hoje o Twitter é um sucesso no mercado e não conseguiu ser destronado por ninguém, mas foi reinventado com aumento de caracteres, reply, retweet, sempre melhorando sua função.

Mas isso é história pra web2, aqui estamos na web3 e ela que importa pra gente. E a LeoFinance fez história, posso afirmar isso com tranquilidade.

As Threads chegaram pra ficar, e não tem nem um mês que foi inaugurada sua versão Alpha e já é um sucesso com o tanto de comentários que acontece por lá. A taxa de engajamento está nas alturas, como nunca antes visto, nem mesmo no LeoMarketTalk.

E agora a comunidade brasileira terá um perfil exclusivo para curadoria do conteúdos das da LeoFinance, com foco principal nas Threads. Sim, você membro da comunidade HiveBR ou simpatizante dela, não pode e nem deve ficar de fora dela, porque estaremos com nossa equipe de curadores pronto para engajar em publicações de qualidade que vocês fizerem por lá, desde um simples pensamento, questionamento ou até uma extensão idéia com diversas 🧵.

Como fazer parte das Threads?

Comece entrando na versão alfa da frontend que te dará a possibilidade de fazer acesso com sua Hive KeyChain.

  • Praticidade


Após logar você já pode começar a escrever, basta em sua aba Home começar a escrever e clicar em Thread, use as # para ter mais alcance.

Pode usar as que estão em evidência no dia como mostra o lado direito, ou use a nossa #hivebr.

Se quiser fazer uma publicação pode usar o botão Post, mas se quiser apenas participar das Threads é na aba Home mesmo.

Onde encontro a HiveBR?


Além de é claro na comunidade HiveBR dentro da Hive, também estamos no Discord através do link:

Pode compartilhar o link se quiser, ele não tem tempo de expiração.

Temos tanto um chat geral para brasileiros assim como um chat apenas para quem quiser conversar em inglês por lá.

Mas se você quiser conversar em inglês no chat geral também é livre pra isso, a maioria dos usuários falam os dois idiomas e vão conseguir conversar tranquilamente com você.


Não podia terminar essa publicação sem agradecer algumas pessoas, porque acho essencial para esse momento.

Primeiramente ao @khaleelkazi pela iniciativa e por ser um dos rostos a frente disso.

Ao @anomadsoul pelo suporte em me auxiliar no meio de como trazer a comunidade HiveBR para dentro das Threads.

E aos membros brasileiros que fazem parte da comunidade HiveBR ativamente e diariamente, que me desculpem, mas seria injusto mencionar todos aqui pois eu acabaria esquecendo alguém. Mas vocês sabem que são por serem parte disso.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


I hope you guys enjoy threads.. Welcome 💐

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Que ótima iniciativa!

Valeu Elder

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Welcome to threads! Hope you guys enjoy threads as much as we are!

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Thank you, let's all engage on Threads, the community is already hooked

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I am delighted to have you Brazil friends now on threads. Its a big opportunity to connect with new friends, and share short content. Leo threads is a fun way to create engagement and earn from your short content too. Welcome home!!!

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

There is a great demand from users to consume short content, it is a great opportunity that we have with Threads

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Yes! It's great to see even more communities coming to Threads. At this rate, all of Hive will soon be using it haha.

Welcome Hive BR :)

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

More and more communities will join Threads, and we are still in the Alpha version

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Welcome to threads Hive Brazil😁
Short content is so much fun and LeoFinance are helping all of Hive by having threads be the place of short content.
Have fun and just shout if you need a hand!

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Thanks Tengo, fun and reward, only in threads

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

That is so very true!


It's true that LeoFinance is doing great and is making history in bringing us a much-needed microblogging feature where we can have fun and enjoy not only sharing short form contents but also interacting with others.

Welcome to Threads!

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Exactly, fun is guaranteed, but interaction is also very important, and much easier to be performed by Threads

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Fico muito feliz da comunidade brasileira da qual faço parte estar participando dessa parceira, acredito que irá dar muitos frutos para todos!

Vamos pra frente brasil!


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Sent 0.1 PGM - 0.1 LVL- 1 STARBITS - 0.05 DEC - 1 SBT - 0.1 THG - 0.000001 SQM - 0.1 BUDS tokens to @shiftrox

remaining commands 9


The tokens that the command sends are: 0.1 PGM-0.1 LVL-0.1 THGAMING-0.05 DEC-15 SBT-1 STARBITS-[0.00000001 BTC (SWAP.BTC) only if you have 2500 PGM in stake or more ]

5000 PGM IN STAKE = 2x rewards!

Discord image.png

Support the curation account @ pgm-curator with a delegation 10 HP - 50 HP - 100 HP - 500 HP - 1000 HP

Get potential votes from @ pgm-curator by paying in PGM, here is a guide

I'm a bot, if you want a hand ask @ zottone444

Vamos juntos que estamos crescendo, passo a passo.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


I gifted $PIZZA slices here:
shiftrox tipped hive-br.leo (x1)
@curation-cartel(18/20) tipped @hive-br.leo (x1)

Please vote for pizza.witness!

Fico feliz com essa parceira, as duas comunidades só tem a ganhar com isso, mais engajamentos, mais recompensas, o céu não é mais o limite, a lua é o limite.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Vamos juntos construir essa caminhada, e o foguete que nos levará para a lua.

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The rewards earned on this comment will go directly to the people( @shiftrox ) sharing the post on Twitter as long as they are registered with @poshtoken. Sign up at

We need more communities on Threads sharing their content for the overall good of the hive platform. Let's join forces.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

We will see some great content from @hive-br

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Thank you for your support and trust, and on the 15th I want to continue seeing your name in the Crew3 ranking.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I plan to be there!

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We will invite as many communities as possible.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Welcome Brazilians 🖖🏼☀️🤙🏼 Great to see another community joining forces to bring more variety and rythm to #threads. Make some threadin' noise! 💪🏼🥳👍🏼

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

The Brazilian understands how to make noise. A few weeks ago we were in carnival season.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Wow great! Welcome to threads and I look forward to seeing you all busy threading and having fun with the new UI.

I honestly didn't know there is a Brazil community hehe, nice knowing you all 🙂

Welcome once again!

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Really happy to see @hive-br on threads. I do most of my voting there and I can't wait to see posts from the community. Welcome aboard everyone. You won't believe how active #threads community is.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

A iniciativa é boa! But to only problem that I saw on that is this: A maioria da população brasileira não fala inglês. E fluência no país é de apenas 5% e... em grandes cidades.
Regarding that, apesar de escrever em inglês, espanhol e português. Escrevo sempre em português. Mas isso sou eu....
Vamos ganhar relevância na nossa "bolha". Trazer novos BRs para cá é bem complicado. É o que penso...

Hoje em dia as ferramentas de tradução já são boas o suficiente para conseguir fazer posts em 2 linguas. Claro que haverão erros e concordâncias incorretas mas o texto fica compreensível para a maioria dos leitores, isso já é suficiente para permitir que os BRs possam se aventurar na Hive

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Hoje tem AI. Se você utilizar qualquer uma delas vai poder escrever em até 15 linguas diferentes sem erros e ainda com o texto formal, coloquial, etc. Entendo seu ponto de vista, mas acredito que há um espaço para percorrer para trazer os BRs para a blockchain de modo geral. Bom... vejamos o quê o tempo nos trará de volta.

Pode se sentir livre para escrever totalmente em português nas Threads que a HiveBR irá realizar com prazer a curadoria.

Só não esqueça da tag #hivebr

Wencomoquise! 😎

Nice to see you, @hive-br.leo, on #leofinance. Hope to see you on #threads also as #HiveBR is one of the biggest communities.
So, welcome and if you need anything, please let me know. Will gladly help!

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Yesoooo, #threads has come to stay. It is a big step, a leap as you rightly put it. Welcome to #threads @hive-br.leo. we have great history to share together.
I know you will love it as i am going to share this post on threads again for many to read it.

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Esse é o tipo de coisa que eu quero ver acontecendo com a comunidade brasileira! A Leofinance é a parceria ideal para a nossa comunidade e será o primeiro passo para continuarmos crescendo e expandindo a relevância do brasil na Hive, pois nós temos ótimos criadores de conteúdo e tudo o que falta é organizá-los sob uma única tag: #hivebr

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You have received a 1UP from @underlock!

The @oneup-cartel will soon upvote you with:
And they will bring !PIZZA 🍕.

Learn more about our delegation service to earn daily rewards. Join the Cartel on Discord.

Welcome on Thread. This is a best platform where great content are appreciated by many users. Thread boasts of friendly interface and great feedback machanism.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Awesome! Welcome to threads! The community from Brazil is super active and will be a great addition to this great app. I'll see you guys there!

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Welcome to threads, it is great to see more and more communities are joining the threads.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

welcome to threads, frens! love to see more diverse content

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Cool stuff you joined guys - Obrigado!!!

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Welcome to Threads. You'll !LUV Threads and Good way to explore other people culture and life. Welcome Again! Have fun threading.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Great initiative, @hive-br.leo! The "Meet the Threads" series is a fantastic way to introduce the LeoFinance and Hive communities to the various threads that exist within the platform. This is a great opportunity for users to learn more about the different topics, discussions, and interests that are being shared and discussed on Hive. It's an excellent way to showcase the diversity and inclusiveness of the Hive community. Looking forward to reading more of these articles in the future!

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

The Brazillian community is welcome to thread and I hope you have great fun engaging with others there.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Hello HiveBR
Welcome to the Leo family and I am sure you will enjoy the experience of Microblogging with threads.

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