With More Users Comes More Competition - Who Are Your Favorite Authors?

in LeoFinance4 years ago


With More Users Comes More Competition

Mass adoption is the long haul goal for many of us on Hive. We want the world to know about Hive and we want as many of them as possible to join both Hive and our communities.

With more users comes more competition though, so anyone currently here has an 'advantage' in that sense. It's easier to be seen, to grow an audience and to grow your stake right now compared to how it will be with time, when more and more users jumps on board. That doesn't mean it's bad to bring more people on board though, it's not bad by any means..

You see, when 'Bob' joins in a year from now, the distribution of tokens will have had such an effect so we have a really strong foundation. The community will be strong and active so more people would be able to reward 'Bob' for his contributions.

That's how we 'even the field' so even newcomers will have a decent shot of being rewarded, which simply put means that it's never too late to join. What's important though, for any of this to actually happen, we need good distribution and we need marketing in various shapes and forms.

  • All of these things will happen with time.

Since I became an active Lion, I have been working hard to pull my own weight in the sense that I create content, engage and curate regularly. I became a top 20 author in my first month, I've had multiple articles picked by the curators and I engage as much as possible in the sense that I am making comments..

I want a strong community with a healthy foundation to build upon and I truly believe that we have to spread the tokens far and wide for that to happen. This is the long haul goal, or my dream goal on both Hive and for all the communities. LeoFinance.io is definitely the community that has been standing out lately and the overall vibe on the community has been amazing. We have seen many new cool features and innovative things already, and it's fair to say that LeoFinance is probably the reason for any outsider to join Hive at this point.

That leads me to my question:
I want to be on top of things and I want to make things easier for myself, so I need Lions to follow. I need more authors to follow so I can easily have content to consume and users to engage with.

Who Are Your Favorite Authors?

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


That's a great list with a bunch of good authors. I know most of them already, but I guess that is what happens when you are good at what you do. You'll be mentioned many times. :D

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

You'll be mentioned many times. :D

You think so...

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

You've been mentioned 1 time already.. ;)

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Good start 😁

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Thanks for the mention. I appreciate

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

You deserve it.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Well I'll definitely say @taskmaster4450le @pouchon @mistakili @chekohler @scaredycatguide @acesontop
@edicted then @dalz for the stats as well as @empoderat, there are more but then this are my favourite there are more as well.
With more, I believe competition will increase on leo and that will even be for the best

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Thank you!

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Thank you very much! :)

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I love your post, the simplicity of your words makes me understand things.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

That's great. It's exactly what I'm striving for. :)

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Definitely @@@taskmaster4450le and @trumpman
Will be my choice pick

Thanks, I appreciate it

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

@edicted for sure. Especially when he goes into conspiracies.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

A good pick, thanks! :)

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

It must be @taskmaster4450le.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

He definitely seems to be one of the biggest favorites. :)

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Please wee seriously need more authors I’ve activity only started looking at defi and stocks tab because the trending is jusy leo this leo that! Maybe it’s great for new users but most of us know how it works we don’t need to be re-shilled

I don’t mind a good shill but if 90% of your posts is leo this leo that I start to not take that authors content very seriously any longer

I totally get your point but it's easy to talk about something we love. Due to the hype around LeoFinance, with each move they make and the ripple effects we cleary see, I would expect nothing less. I love LEO content, but I would also appreciate other content to consume and learn from as well, which is one of the reasons for this post. I want to follow more people.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Yeah I don’t mind them at all to each their own but it is impacting my experience of the site and I’d like a way to mute certain authors I know won’t provide me with any value or not likely to do not only my curated feed is clean but my other feeds too

Great point. Was thinking to diversify a bit as well.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I’m actually actively moving away from curating anything leo related to try and encourage diversity if we all keep upvoting shill posts it reinforces the need to shill which I don’t think is needed

Good move.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Honestly speaking all of those i am following are quite good authors! it also depends on what content you like to read. On another note as more and more people are getting onboard and the competition will become more intense i think we should find ways to discover more good authors. More curators? better format and interface in which it's easier to discover them? ways that older posts are getting some recognition as well?

i really don't have a clue :P

That's a good point. I actually do think it's fairly easy to find content, but I would rather be recommended some authors than browsing through all the content searching for new people to follow.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

That's a good point. I actually do think it's fairly easy to find content

in Leo i would agree yes... for now at least :P

but I would rather be recommended some authors than browsing through all the content searching for new people to follow.

yep that's a good old way of finding quality authors!

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

STEEM vs HIVE was sooooo pre pandemic.

Its all about when the LEO/HIVE flippening will occur now.

Catch up!

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Lol this isn’t even HIVE it’s leo why would you even set up a bot like this is it that boring in steem right now