How To MAKE Crypto From Blogging | Optimization Brings Traffic For Years!

in LeoFinance4 years ago


You might have seen or heard about one of my previous LeoFinance articles I was able to rank on the first page of the google searches. I am talking about: "How To Earn Crypto From Blogging In 2021".

I have been vocal in the past, ever since the Steemit days, about optimized content and how organic traffic can change the entire game for us in terms of exposure and growth. Once I finally decided to become an active Lion, I quickly started to see that the leaders of this place and I had the same vision and that we had many similar ideas. Due to amazing features and superb communication to name a few great things about these leaders, we quickly saw how a strong community took place. I was eager to continue my own journey so I decided to implement and do some of the things I am good at, things I believe in and things I think are important for everyone in the long haul.

I jumped off the fence and I got to work. I managed to secure top rankings on Google for a specific search phrase and all it took was some optimization and a goal. My goal was to bring in organic traffic for years, and by ranking specific keywords I knew that this was bond to happen.



These are the results from Google. As you can see, I have top positions for both images and regular google searches. Results from Publish0x and Reddit is also on the top.

Both the Reddit and Publish0x results contains external links (links pointing towards LeoFinance) as you can see in the screenshots below. The article on Publish0x also contains external links to Hive, which basically means that people can- and will click both links if they are curious to know more about Hive or LeoFinance.

  • That is traffic potential.



Maximum Exposure

We all know how important traffic is for growth, Ad Revenue and content consuming- and creation, but most of us are ignoring how vital it is to increase it because it's already here. We already get upvotes and comments on our content so people are consuming content 24/7, so we're all good. That's not the case though, because we need more. We need to improve and we need to increase traffic.

  • It's up to us to bring in the masses.


I searched on alsoasked for the exact search phrase I have ranked on Google and the above screenshot shows you a fraction of the result. This gives us an idea of what people are searching for, and it gives us a good idea of what we can do to yield great results in the future.

  • What types of blogs make the most money?
  • How can I earn money through Blogger?
  • Is it worth blogging in 2020?
  • How do I start a blog for free?

All of these things are questions that you can answer by making content. To think outside the box is important for growth and traffic, and this is literally a part of the blueprint of how to do it.

However, I changed the search phrase a bit by changing one word for another. I changed the word "earn" to "make" instead, and I got different results.

  • Do bloggers make money in 2020?
  • How do beginner blogs make money?
  • Is blogging still relevant in 2020?

These questions are perfect to answer as well. You have all the ingredients and tools you need. You even have the title of your posts ready. Make a post using the exact search phrase as a title and give them an answer they can't refuse. Hive & LeoFinance are what all of these people are looking for, but they aren't aware of that yet. Make them aware. Bring in the masses.


Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


@hitmeasap How do you get to the top of Google?

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Using some SEO strategies, plenty of videos on youtube on how to do that with almost no investment (if its a niche).

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Sorry for not responding sooner but I've been really busy lately. I have published a mini-series previously, about SEO and how to optimize your blog posts to increase organic traffic over time.

You can find them here:

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Thank you!

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Nice blog! I never really pay attention so SEO when writing my blogs, but this could really be improved and draws new people to this platform.

Offtopic: That animated gif is hilarious :D

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Yeah, organic traffic will be a huge deal going forward, I am sure of that.
I 'm just trying to play a small part in the push towards new heights.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Yes that is a great idea to connect your financial blogs through the leo finance and earn some leo tokens

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Particularly speaking, I would very much like other Brazilians to understand how much they can earn using the internet as their main tool.

Great post, @hitmeasap.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

This is a cool exercise in SEO for sure. I do think long tail phrases like this are low hanging fruit, why not go for them. Search volume may be really low but it answers a specific questions, its targeted, you can rank, and bring these people here to LEO. Keep at it!

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I do think long tail phrases like this are low hanging fruit

I totally agree with you and that is why I try to optimize some of my content. I am certain of the fact that organic traffic can- and will be a real game changer for us in the long haul, so I don't mind optimizing some of my posts.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Wow! This was an eye-opener for me. I guess I hadn't realized that these posts on little LeoFinance could make their way into the google search giant. To be honest, I've never even thought of that before. Thank you for bringing this to my attention. This is really great information, especially as it pertains to titles. Intuitively, you always want a "catchy" title but I never actually realized how vital it can be. Definitely something for me to think about as I write.....

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

You're very welcome. Sorry for not responding sooner but I've been really busy lately. I have published a mini-series previously, about SEO and how to optimize your blog posts to increase organic traffic over time.

You can find them here:

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Feels like I've been shouting into the wind about the importance of SEO and ranking on Google in the effort to attract users to Leofinance and Hive. I hope this post helps bring awareness to how critical this tool is to our blogging success.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Yeah, optimization isn't a "fun" thing so most people doesn't seem to care a lot about it. It's very unfortunate.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

As much as I appreciate your effort I doubt I could polish mine that well for SEO. I'm sometimes writing and editing on the run so I won't forget my ideas.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I don't optimize all of my content, even though I optimize most of it to some degree. Optimization has become a natural thing for me whenever I write, but I can totally understand why some people wouldn't do it.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

This is good marketing.

leofinance lacks a lot of help in terms of internet exposure, but a great job is being done.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Wow incredible, I will now adopt some of your titles here and make some SEO optimized posts.
If many of us can write many such optimized posts with these catchy headlines then we shall take over Google and bring more traffic here.
Thanks again for this post.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Excellent. You are doing a great job. Thank you for showing people how to optimize their postings!

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Great tips! Will try to apply :)

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

interesting as I have only just started bloggin! More about music and things though than finanance this is a whole new world for me!

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I've tried writting the title of one of my posts in the search engine, but it doesn't work.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Not sure what you mean by that...
You mean that your posts doesn't show on google if you search for your titles?

That is basically because other content ranks higher than yours.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Excellent article about how to earn crypto while blogging. Another source of earning "free" crypto is to participate in giveaways. Right now im participating in one that Binance just launched and its going to end in 9 days. If you want to know more please give it a check in my blog!

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta