[Eng - Esp] Livepeer decentralized video transcoding network - Livepeer red de transcodificación de vídeo descentralizada

in LeoFinance4 years ago

Today I come to share with the community this important cryptocurrency called Livepeer (LPT) totally decentralized, the videos that upload cannot be deleted or censored. This project is coming strong and is already beginning to have a strong upward trend, important investors already have it in their portfolio, such as Grayscale.

Livepeer is built on Ethereum (ETH), this cryptocurrency shows signs of adoption, it is worth keeping in mind.

I show the graph in daily temporality, you can see a positive slope with upward directionality, it is a matter of hours to mark new highs.


Hoy vengo a compartir a la comunidad esta importante criptomoneda llamada Livepeer (LPT) totalmente descentralizada, los videos que suban no podrán ser eliminados ni censurados. Este proyecto viene con fuerza y ya empieza a tener una fuerte tendencia alcista, importantes inversores ya la poseen en su portafolio como lo es Grayscale.

QuoteLivepeer está construida sobre Ethereum (ETH), esta criptomoneda muestra signos de adopción, vale la pena tenerla presente.

QuoteMuestro la grafica en temporalidad diaria, se puede observar una pendiente positiva con direccionalidad alcista, es cuestión de horas para marcar nuevos máximos.

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