Social Mining Community Board Voting Explained

in LeoFinance10 months ago


Hello Everyone!!! I hope you are having a great time over there? It's really nice to see you visit my blog today and I must say I'm really happy to have a great personality like you visiting my blog today 😊. Thank you once again 💕❤️

As the Social Mining community keeps expanding, the team has been working on making DAOVERSE a fully Decentralized platform whereby Social Miners can take part in community decision through a system of governance known as Community Board Voting.

According to a recent publication on DAOLabs Blog, the Co-Founder, COO & Head of Social Mining in person of Shuyong Yang stated that Decentralized Autonomous Organisation (DAO) isn't built in a day and the team must take time to ensure they come up with magnificent and efficient solution when it comes to developing a Decentralized community as quoted below;

The development of a DAO should be an organized process with progressive steps, not rush to achieve decentralization without a proper structure because a great DAO isn’t built in a day. The blockchain world has suffered -and still does- of failed projects that used the trust of their communities and greed of so-called investors and gamblers to enrich themselves and, sadly, it has been made under the DAO name. It is time we change that for good.

This implies connotes that the DAOLabs team will continue building the Social Mining community on a fully Decentralized system.

Decentralization With Governance

One of the best ways to build a Decentralized community is by introducing a system known as Governance. Governance can never be left out in most decentralized organisation as it enables the team and community to be a part of the project.

This is one of the reasons behind most Cryptocurrency Web3 based projects owning their native tokens or crypto which can be used as governance by enabling the community decide on what they want and what they don't want through voting system.


When it comes to Social Mining, the DAOLabs team have a very similar approach to this with just a minor difference. I suggest you grab some delicious Popcorn and coffee as you learn more about how the DaoLabs Community Board Vote works.

Understating Community Board Voting

There's definitely no doubt Social Mining is known for rewarding Social Miners (users) for their contribution in the community and this has really helped most Web3 projects and organisation in terms of marketing and gaining more publicity. Social Miners are known for making highly quality contribution which can help to impact the community and Web3 project positively.

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One of the effective ways adopted by the Social Mining team is by creating tasks related to the project depending on the Social Mining Hub. A good example can be explained by considering a Social Mining Hub and I'm going to be making use of WAXHub in this case.

WAXHub is a Social Mining community for WAX Enthusiasts in which Social Miners make valuable contribution in the WAX Blockchain. This contribution requires making use of their Social Media accounts such as Twitter, Reddit, Facebook etc.. Every WAX Enthusiasts (WAX Hubber) who wishes to contribute into the WAX Blockchain is required to create a WAXHub account which must be linked to his or her Social Media account (Twitter) for Points record and allocation. These points are known as WAX Points and they can be claimed and converted into WAXP Tokens or NFT depending on the choice of the WAXHuber (WAX contributor).

One of the best way to contribute as a Social Miner is by taking part in community task. These tasks sometimes require having a little technical skills such as graphic design, content creation, etc to ensure quality contribution and valuable rewards. These tasks are created by the project marketing team and usually are usually validated by the project validators or task creators.

This Is Where Community Board Voting Comes In


There are times whereby a Social Miner or Web3 contributor may make quality contribution during task submission but unfortunately, didn't get the required reward they deserve depending on the validation team discretion. The introduction of Community Board Voting will help to eradicate a system of low rewards for quality contributions and the good news is that everyone can take part in the Community Board Vote provided they meet the requirements and at the same time get rewarded for voting their voting activities.

As stated by Shuyong Yang in the quoted text below;

Community Board Voters will function as Task Validators that validate Task submissions by distributing their Upvotes to each accepted submission published on the Community Board

This implies that eligible Social Miners have the right to reward other Social Miners for their quality contributions and still get rewarded in return for voting or rewarding other Social Miners in the community.

How To Take Part In The Social Mining Community Board Vote

The Social Mining Community Board Vote program has already been implemented on two Social Mining Hubs for now which are DAOLabs and WAXHub. There's high chance the community Board vote get extended to other available Social Mining Hubs such as PolygonHub, KavaHub and Avalanche Hub in future. So this implies that you can only take part in Community Board Vote on both DAO Labs and WAXHub for now.


Check out how you can also take part in the Community Board Vote on both Social Mining Hubs below;

The crucial condition is that you must have at least 0.25 Reputation Points on DAOLabs and 2 Rep point on WAXHub. Ensure you visit your Social Mining dashboards to check if you're eligible to take part in Community Board Vote.


Reputation points is one of the ways to get rewarded for your contribution in the community and it really shows your level of skills and hardwork through community task contribution. You can earn reputation by taking part in Social Mining tasks and performing excellently well in such tasks.

Once you're eligible to take part in the Community Board Vote, the next step is to visit your Social Mining dashboard and click on the Community Board as shown in the image below.


You'll be giving points for Voting Power and Activity Power every week which will enable you vote for eligible submissions of your choice. It's advisable you make use of the weekly points wisely 😉.

You can visit the Community Board page directly via the link below 👇👇

The final step is to vote for the submission of your choice which is done by clicking on the upvote button as shown in the image below


After clicking on the upvote button, you'll have the opportunity to enter the amount of points you wish to reward the contributor depending on the amount of your weekly points as seen in the image below


And lastly click on the upvote button to finalize the voting or curation activity.


Effect of Community Board Vote in Social Mining

The Community Board Vote will impact the Social Mining community

The Community Board Vote seeks to acknowledge the valuable contributions of Social Miners and ensure that their often overlooked efforts are duly recognized within the community.

Implementing Community Board Voting in Social Mining will actively promote and leverage the concepts of DAO and Web3 within the community.

The decisions made through Community Board Votes are documented on the blockchain, establishing a transparent and unchangeable record of all actions, accessible for auditing by anyone.

The Community Board Vote system enables eligible Social Miners meeting reputation criteria to participate as validators. Additionally, anyone within the community can become a validator, as long as they meet the specified requirements.

Community Board Voters will serve as Task Validators responsible for validating Task submissions by allocating their Upvotes to accepted submissions on the Community Board, receiving rewards in return for their efforts. Furthermore, task submitters will have the chance to earn enhanced rewards for their high-quality contributions after successful validation.



The Community Board Vote will definitely help to impact the Social Mining community by enabling Social Miners to earn the rightful reward they deserve and at the same time this will help improve decentralization in the community. You can learn more about the newly introduced Community Board Vote through the reference links.

Reference Links

About Me

I'm Adebola, a proud graduate in Agricultural Engineering (BSC). My passion for self-development and productivity drives me to constantly seek knowledge and conduct research. Over the last five years, I've immersed myself in the world of cryptocurrency and blockchain, growing more enthusiastic by the day. My diverse hobbies include reading, writing, enjoying good food, participating in agricultural activities, traveling, designing, and blogging. I possess a range of skills, including content writing, graphic design, UI/UX design, copywriting, internet marketing, research, data analysis, and basic coding. Don't hesitate to connect with me through the links below;
Discord: Hardaeborla#103

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Thank You for your time and I hope you have a great day ahead with love from @hardaeborla


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