These are some valuable insights my friend and I agree with you on your position for gaining more XPolyCub. I agree that with PolyCub price dropping to these current levels, I will also be adding fresh capital to buy XPolyCub all the way down.
The XPC ratio is nearing 17x and will likely hit 20x within the next week or so which will keep moving PolyCub into the hands of the long term DiamonPaws!
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Yep and the more the USD price of POLYCUB drops, the more the protocol will buy as it becomes stronger with each feature that is added.
That is where I dont think people understand the buying power is going to come from.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
@taskmaster4450le absolutely brother! If there is one thing I have learned from your posts, it's that the strongest economies are base on Debt and that when an asset is cheap (or on sale) that is the time to buy it.
With the bonding and collateralization of Xpolycub, we will finally have a reserve currency for the LEO ecosystem. Which is essentially what Bitcoin has been and prior to Bitcoin, we were on the gold standard.
Obviously there is a long way to go, but I am long on XPolyCub and am loving the extra PolyCub we are earning while the price to USD has come down!
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta