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RE: Texas As A Standalone Country

I've heard talk about Texas leaving the US for a long time. I live in Texas, and have for over 35 years (I grew up in Wisconsin, then moved to Illinois, then Ohio, and finally Texas). Almost since the time I moved to Texas, there have been people talking about succeeding from the union. So this is nothing new. Every so often talk gets bigger, then dies down again.

Will it happen? I don't think there are enough people/power behind it right now, but that can change (and I know it can happen rather quickly - you've seen how quickly people gave up their right to keep their business open during the COVID "scare").

Once everyone hears how much the share of the national debt would belong to Texas, and that it would have to be repaid, well, that would cause people to reconsider. I don't think Texas would want to pay that, and I don't think Texas (as a whole) would like a war (though I'm sure some would welcome it).

Texas is the only state I've lived in that I don't want to leave.