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RE: BLURT forks pre-launch - Zapata is born (too!)

in LeoFinance5 years ago

If you want to do it right then give every sum X - because it will be rich and poor again the whole thing is doomed to die from day one. The rich and powerful will become richer and more powerful again. The little blogger looks stupid.

Remember that Voice will soon be active with its 150 million US $ capital. Beta is about to end. Their concept, without whales, I like and certainly many others as well.


Thank you for your comment. There have been some talk about a max cap (for example 33k). The reason they start with already existing (and problematic) blockchains is that they get people interested (because they already have stake). The 'start' of any blockchain seems to be the hard part.

If you try voice out, we would appreciate if you would come back and leave us a review of how it went for you! Thank you!