Punk Legends is Now Curating – No Posting Required

in LeoFinance3 years ago (edited)

I’m happy to inform that the Discord community Punk Legends has received delegation that will be used to reward comments, so, if you only want to read posts and comment, well my friend, this is the place for you.

Over the last week, we have received a lot of new members, many of which are unfamiliar with Hive. We also have quite a few from Splinterlands, so it looks like I have a new hobby lined up for January.

Momentum seems to be picking up for Punks on Hive; I’m seeing a lot of new faces making large purchases. It’s funny how everyone buys two, three or ten, but never just one. I think this is probably psychological, because I have it too and just the thought of buying only one feels wrong on so many levels.

I’m surprised to see that no one is trading their punks, maybe they’re getting too attached, but with the skyrocketing price of Hive, trading might be a good option for new people. The trick is to buy the highest rarity you can afford and then trade it for one with a similar rarity. The only flaw in this plan is finding someone who is willing to trade Punks.

10 P.PNG

I currently have a few that I wouldn’t mind trading, but I have others that you couldn’t pry me away from and there is one or two that could cause Sarah to say something like: “That’s the final straw! - First you spill curry on my side of the bed and now this!!!”

So yeah, I don’t want to have that conversation again.

Currently, we are looking for people who would be willing to delegate to this project and we’re also looking for programmers.

Also, some of our Punk whales have offered to donate a Punk, so keep watching for giveaways and let me know if any of you want to donate a punk.

The one thing that surprised me the most is all the new people I’ve met, it’s weird how we could be on the same platform for five years without ever even hearing of one another. I always assumed that everyone knew of me or at least of the first Hive wedding, but I guess not.

Anyways, Punk Legends is also a good way to branch out and meet more people, so I hope to see you there.

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Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


I have not got myself one but I have a bee.


Do you want a Punk?
That bee looks very mischievous lol
So where did you get him and do you know the current price of bees?

I'm still looking for one that appeals to me.
I got the bee as airdrop to #hivefest attendees

Regarding knowing everyone, that's pretty hard, because, I talk about crypto, and a few other topics, but I never talk about other topics. Hive has more niches than we know.

Now... Tell me about your project, you said it's growing, but apparently I've missed it all together.

Last week we started Punk Legends: https://discord.gg/78quRvQh and I've been working on a new way to handle curation, to promote user retention and engagement, by focusing on comments since a lot of users are not content creators. I'm also working on some other things for punks, but I'm not a programmer, so I'm looking for one that might be interested. There are also more projects by other members.

You're welcome to join us.

I'll pop in the discord and say hi!

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

The one thing that surprised me the most is all the new people I’ve met, it’s weird how we could be on the same platform for five years without ever even hearing of one another. I always assumed that everyone knew of me.

These same things happen to me frequently. I feel like this place is smaller than it actually is, but I believe that it's impossible to know everyone already. It will continue to become more and more difficult as time goes on and more users inevitably arrive.

or at least of the first Hive wedding, but I guess not.

Dope! I didn't know such a thing had happened. Mind sharing a link to the wedding post?

I also have a six part series I posted in 2017, explaining everything that led up to this, but I would like to rewrite it, cutting it down to maybe four chapters, but I'm not sure if the community would turn on me for reposting a new version of it, what do you think?


You could revamp the post, I wouldn’t see anything wrong with that. As long as you’re providing some things new. I would just copy and paste the old post for instance.

Or you could compile the old posts in a Collection on PeakD. Another option is to just edit the old posts.

Personally, I’d just make a new post or set of posts that condenses the old stuff and gives and even better collation for it all. Then if there is more then one post, make it into an easily accessible collection.

Good stuff gonzo. I've noticed some new names buying punks lately which is always good and definitely seeing more punks as profile pics. Picked up 3 more myself tonight.

<3 Punk Legends

Have a !PIZZA

Even thought its a small world it can be a giant rabbit hole once you really get down one particular community or topic. There's tons of people I was acquainted with from other servers but never got to know and it's really neat to be able to get to find out more about them.


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