Blimey that does sound stressful. I thought about buying some miners myself when I read the post but then realised that I wouldn't be able to buy enough to make it worth it. There are so many projects popping up and I'm tempted by so I'm taking the time to take a step back to get clear about my long-term objectives and act accordingly. I'm in a process of consolidation as I'm spread thinly over too many tokens already. The good thing is I am able to keep telling myself "not to worry, there will be another great project along soon" and, so far, it seems to be true. 😊
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Yeah, I am spread pretty thin too so I totally understand. I have a feeling I didn't get enough in to put myself at a very good ROI point, but I guess time will tell. I like the Musicforlife community and I think they have a lot of potential to grow very large. There are definitely the musicians and music lovers on the blockchain to support it.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Very true. There are just so many great projects to choose from 😁
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
I agree!
I have the same problem, so many projects to be a part of. That's why I like SPI, they do it for me and I can just stick to a few others!
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Me too. Problem is I'm not good as just sticking to a few others. 😂
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta