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RE: The biggest risk to our wealth

in LeoFinance3 years ago

sorry for posting twice but I had this thought:
I dont understand why people are buying bitcoin right now. I actually never understood it, maybe I am dumb.
Do you think BTC will be 120k next December? It would give you 100% APR. I am not saying it won't because I just cannot predict where will it go. It may as well retract to 30k or less.
But I believe you can get similar APRs somewhere else without taking that much risk.
I am talking small investing, not hundreds of thousands.


Ummm... this is not financial advice :D

I can't predict the markets, but a lot of people are going on the stock to flow model as well as whatever some YouTube personality might have said. The large investors don't really need it to go too high to make gains, they just need it to go up enough. I do think that we will see 100K this year or close to - but the question is, as someone already in crypto, is that the only token worth buying today?

I actually hate it - it has no use. you cannot cheaply transfer it, you cannot transfer it quickly. you cannot do contracts on it, it takes awfully lot of energy to operate.
I think most of these things is being addressed right now with the latest update but still... not great coin