Prelude To The Fracas!

in LeoFinance3 months ago

I must say, this first week out of school has been most pleasant. Rather hectic as I had to catch up on the last sixth months of paperwork and such, but in all, it was nice to give my overtaxed brain a bit of a break.

That said, the reprieve, if it could even be called that, is to be short-lived, as Christmas is upon us!

As a mom, the holidays have been a bit of a hectic melee for me for many years. I'm the one who organizes pretty much everything, the schedule, the presents, the finances, etc. I absolutely adore Christmas and New Year's, but to be quite honest, I am more than a touch burned out by it all.

I mean, it makes sense, my youngest just turned eighteen, so I have been going pell-mell for many, many years now.

But this year, I have decided to pull back the reins a bit. I just don't have it in me.

That doesn't mean, however, that I am not doing anything festive!

Tomorrow, I am whipping up some excellent presents, and I need to make some labels for some artisan lavender stuff that I made this summer for my friends and fam. This week I will be baking some treats for my hub's rifle team, and I will be doing a bit of shopping for my fam. But my mindset is set to very chill and my overall vibe is dwelling in the what gets done gets done wavelength.

I have no desire to stress about what is supposed to be a time of celebration and joy.

So, as I sit here typing before I go out for a bit of a stroll in the snow, I am happy to report that my mental reason for the season and sabbatical mindset re-alignment goals are chugging along nicely. It's never a bad thing to zoom out a bit, and I have to say, even though I am a bit frazzled and fried from this year, my mindset going into the fun and possible fracas of the holidays is most congenial and bright!

Well see how I am faring January 2nd. 😉

And in farm news, I picked up some soilless potting mix today so I can start the microgreens project. I'm pretty excited about it, and I might just wait to do that experiment until after New Year's, as I want to make a spreadsheet and actually track production, because reasons.

I also am happy to report that the sweetened condensed milk pecan sourdough discard crust pie was a huge hit. So much so that I forwent dinner one night and just had a slice of it with butter pecan ice cream on the top for my evening meal.

I wasn't sorry at all.

The animals are all about as sluggish as we are here lately as we are in the darkest days of the year. That and it has been gray and without sun here FOREVER!

Another little project I have to get done is to pot on my begonia cutting. This spring my Ma got me the prettiest begonia that I enjoyed all summer and fall out on the porch. Before it froze, I took a couple cuttings and put them in a jar of water. One of them has grown some rather lovely roots, so I need to pot on that beastie for future flower enjoyment!

And now, now I must end this fracas and fun themed epistle, as I need to take my daily walk, check the chickens, and make a huge pot of Mexican rice to go with my simmering refried beans for game and taco night tonight. Friend and feasts are the most fun!

And as most of the time, all of the images in this post were taken on the author's pecan pie deprived iPhone.

Posted Using InLeo Alpha


@flemingfarm is really big on tracking spreadsheets for the garden, he may have some tips if you're interested. Cheers!

Why did you put that plant in the glass of water
Does it grow that way as well?

At least Christmas preparations are a different variety of hectic than school!