It looks like hazmat is super new user that is not around much. If team agrees we can replace hazmat with someone who showed interest but wasn’t included in the teams.
I think there were like three people. They commented after game started. Pick one and let me know. I will send hazmat’s memo to the new member.
I think it's fair that you would pick which person to replace hazmat instead of us. We never had control who we will be working with and I would go for replacing hazmat at this point. But will wait for @kenechukwu97 @sanjeevm and @dragokazo as it's a team game.
You are right i think
Ohh... You've already given consent. That's cool
I checked his profile and he haven't been active even before jumping into the main post to declare interest for this.
I don't know how busy he is, but we would have to change him at this point.
Whether we do it or geekgirl, it will still lead to the same outcome.
Hope to hear from @sanjeevm and @dragokazo regarding this
I think, its a mistake to choose someone who is not active, and hopefully @geekgirl can help, if we do not hear back from @hazmat today. There is no other way.
Hello, I've been added as the replacement and am hoping we can all meet up on discord or telegram. futuremind#5073 is my discord. I'm available most of the time and ready to begin working on this with you all!
Welcome to the team - hopefully you and others can work together - @adamada is in charge 🤛
Thank you! I will compose a message for you in beechat right now.
Yeah... I thought as much.
Hello, I've been added as the replacement and am hoping we can all meet up on discord or telegram. futuremind#5073 is my discord. I'm available most of the time and ready to begin working on this with you all!
Ok. New player of the team is @futuremind. I already sent the the encrypted memo with the 5th piece. Good luck.
Hello, I've been added as the replacement and am hoping we can all meet up on discord or telegram. futuremind#5073 is my discord. I'm available most of the time and ready to begin working on this with you all!