Thank you so very much it's been a lot of hard work and investment in myself here on the blockchain for 5 years now and all of a sudden...
Well I did go a little crazy for my birthday and got some toys and then Christmas was right around the corner and...
But literally 50/50 rewards right now are helping me get to my 50% of the monthly payment on this.
Super excited as this is just going to be an investment into a 501c3 non-profit and May 11th or maybe a little bit before I will have the full ein tax number that makes us a completely official 501c3...
Right now we are just a burgeoning nonprofit. LoL however the second we get all of this paperwork taken care of. If we want to spend another $50 we can pay commercial services to do fundraising for us. And that's just kind of like a state registry but it's only if we are going to do commercial services...
So I don't know I got a lot of things on my flight that I've got to look into... And I am just soaring right now I'm so happy and amazed...
Thank you to all the other Hive people here and the entire community as well as this engagement League. Every single one of you are absolutely so amazing and it wouldn't be no fun being a part of this if you guys hadn't all been a part of this as well.
I cannot tell you how much I wish you the best of luck in all that you are doing. I look forward to seeing your project blossom. Good luck to you!