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RE: HOC Hive Onboarding Committee introduction /Reblog lottery fumble

in LeoFinance9 months ago

We'd love to know your ideas for protecting your onboarded users from hive watchers...

After the amount of abuse and personal attacks we've been receiving from hive watchers is absolutely incredible.

Seriously they wrongfully blacklisted me multiple times as well as also used wrongful reports to blacklist me and even innocent accounts.

Come to the Free Compliments community! We would love to support this initiative!

Keep it up! And hopefully we can bring back the meetups! That actual personal connection of blockchain users meeting up really needs to be brought back!

And I must be the original OG! Lol actually I know of people have been on here for longer!


Would love to talk more about all this , I think I will try reaching out to hive watchers and try to establish some common ground, we also have things in mind to reduce abuse especially with us just starting out and having little to no financial backing it's important for us to use our resources wisely