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RE: Technology: More Than 4,000 Bank Branches Closed

in LeoFinance3 years ago

another thing I noticed was the lack of coin machines in banks. I saw a sign that there's a coin shortage and yet you can't drop in your coins to get larger bills or a receipt to deposit the credit. I think it's a move to eliminate coins 1st to get people used to getting rid of physical money. The next move will be CBDC's and Social Scoring.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


The cost of coinage is actually a loss. It costs more to make than the face value on a lot of them. Plus much of it ends up in drawers and on the ground anyway.

Paper money is not going away anytime soon but I can see coinage disappearing. That is something that is a hassle and banks in particular really dont want to deal with.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta