
Hehe, true. I'm glad for our sake she was just using that as an illustration of how she looks at things. We didn't actually buy a table. In November, I was buying the Bitcoin. :-) If we had bought something expensive now with crypto profits, it probably wouldn't change how she'd feel in the future ("that table is now a 700000 table! Gah!").

What she's getting at is she, like a lot of people, want a sense of "I know what this stuff is worth, and if I let some of it leave my hands today, I'm not giving up on the purchasing power it could provide me in the future." Would you be happy if you'd bought that 10000 BTC pizza in 2010? He had his reasons for doing so, and he stands by them. I know of another early miner who liquidated his assets to buy an apartment. He would be a billionaire today, but isn't, because he spent his Bitcoin to have a roof over his head.

For many people, big price swings upward serve only to remind them that those prices can swing down hard, too. And we can't deny that this frightens a lot of people whom we'd like to gain exposure to cryptocurrencies. It's also something we have to remember ourselves; we can't get complacent about upward moving prices.

I confess I do wish I'd bought more Bitcoin in November. And March. :-)

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