Navigating Mumbai's Urban Development: Challenges, Aspirations, and Solutions

in LeoFinance11 months ago

Navigating through the Urban Development that we have made happen and that we are living in right now is something that always keeps us attached to it and the problems that we face or something that we often want to be going away or something that needs to be solved at the very earliest but the thing is that those are the aspects which are not taken care of in the particular regard which they should have been taken care of by the authority is who have the power to fix them and make sure that all of the problems that are existing are going away.


Modern cities are played with a lot of problems and these citizens who are daily residents as well also need to be travelling here and there for a lot of purposes every single day they look at the city in such a manner which no one else can because they are the once were experience in every aspect of the city that it has to offer and they are the ones who are getting aware of everything small issue that is needed to be fixed and is also causing a bit of a problem as well.

I am a resident of Mumbai and it is one of those cities in India which is seen as one of the biggest cities as well as also in terms of the modern development that it has shown to the entire world it has become a very prime location for a lot of activities but at the same time AIDS all of the glitter there is something that needs to be fixed as well and a lot of problems also lies Beneath all of the glitter and glamour that Mumbai has to offer. Mumbai is not just about the skyscrapers that it has to offer which a lot of people feel to be the only factor by Mumbai so popular as well as also is so flawless but at the same time it has a lot of such small issues that need to be dealt with in a very effective manner which is lying just like that from a very long amount of time.

In the middle of those skyscrapers, there are a lot of such smaller neighborhoods which have existed for centuries and they happen to have a lot of cultures as well as people filled with aspiration but emit all of that mostly they are surrounded by challenges. There is a rhythmic noise of a horn that always keeps on honking every now in then and the thing is that the city currently has a lot of potential for improvement but people called Just Wonder over this particular Fact and just stay with the way it is right now and nobody is making a move so that it can be made a bit better in such a way which is going to be serving every community rather than just serving one single part of the entire people who are living in the antenna city and that is creating equality and also making sure that there is a development of a block of people.


Let's start with the roads in Mumbai which are one of the biggest missing pieces of the puzzle in such a megacity because infrastructure is something that is always going to start with the roads which are within the city and Mumbai has one of the most congested roads in the entire country regardless of all of the smart infrastructure that it has within the country as well as also the amazing technology is that it has involved within the road such as traffic management system as well as real-time data same time the things that are needed are flawless roads which are not visible in most of the city as the roads happened to have potholes as a feature that comes with the roads itself which are always checking the stability of the vehicles that are traveling Astral as the commuters who are using the roads and their patients level is also be checked daily.

Apart from that a very efficient Public Transportation system is missing from such a mega city which Mumbai calls itself because right now there are Metro lines which are existing as well as bus networks are also happening to be there but the level of demand for the services is massively bigger than the available options that people can choose from and on already congested Mumbai roads they are not happening to be helping to buy any extend and we are not even talking about the local trains that happened to exist in the Mumbai city which are one of the most crowded trains that you can ever find in the entire planet.

There can be a lot of options that the government can explore to make sure that there is something or a particular method which can be utilized and implemented to deal with these problems which involve promoting cycling Lane as well as also making sure that the traffic flow is made smoother by implementing better infrastructure such as subways as well as also utilizing flyovers and different aspects which can be done and also implementing and efficient traffic flows management system which is going to be very essential for the Mumbai traffic which is massively overcrowded and overburdened.


Away from all of these concrete marvels that the city has to offer, we will find ourselves in such a place which is going to be a thing that a lot of Art and talent flow everywhere on the streets of Mumbai because Mumbai is a city which is filled with Artists and it is also the Bollywood of India and that is why there are a lot of such people who are going to be having the particular talent that they are performing on the street itself which involves a lot of artistic expressions and all of those people can be organized in such a man which day are going to be having a platform and getting the Talent expos to and even better manner and all of this comes under the culture of the Mumbai city which is something that needs to be connected with the city itself because culture is going to be defining a particular city and Mumbai has a lot of it but most of it is not be neutralized properly right now.

There are a lot of thing that I needed to be done with in the city of Mumbai and all of that is going to be a responsibility of the government itself but we cannot forget our responsibility towards the city as well because every individual contribution will also count in making the change and also getting the vision that we have for the future done to the realistic Centre cell because the Destiny of Mumbai is within ourselves and we are not just spectators who are going to be looking at all of the growth that the city will achieve by the things that are been done to it but we can also participate in the growth and this is not just about Mumbai it is applicable to your own city as well you are staying and over there as well your contribution will definitely have an impact and what's your Mumbai has a very bright future because it is one of the best cities in the country and has a lot of potential only a bit of good management and a bit of involvement from the citizens is all that it need.

Thanks For Reading My Article
I Hope you liked it


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I have seen pictures of Mumbai online and it's indeed a beautiful city but I guess the problem of road congestion comes from the fact that India is a very populated country and for modern cities like Mumbai, a lot of people settle there in search of better opportunities, hence it leads to overpopulation

Ofcourse it's due to overpopulation and the government is aware of that which is why they should've been taking care of the issue in the way it could have been efficiently handled