Out of limited time and my family's health, I'm limiting my expenditures significantly (no vacations, no travel further than a couple of hours away, no concerts, etc.), so nearly all of my spending is going to be on life necessities (including for my family), taxes, and repaying educational loans. The rest will go towards savings/investments. My savings percentage is going to be quite substantial, especially after the large increase in salary which I'll have starting in the middle of next year.
The question is... in due time, what will I end up doing with all this hoarded money once it grows, if I'm limiting my activities so substantially? I suppose, when I have children, they'll be a significant source of expenditure, but that's not happening any time soon (I don't even have a significant other yet lol!).
Still a good idea to have money saved just in case one of my screws go loose and I decide to actually live life at some point.
that's a great idea! I hope you'll use your money the most when it was most needed.