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RE: Bloody Doom Loops and Forking Economies

in LeoFinance3 years ago

Hayes has been talking about the doom loop for a while and it's a super interesting concept which makes a lot of sense.

Not sure why are suddenly picking it up this week.

I guess they can't run Bitcoin crashing headlines 7 days a week.



But this is the changeup they need on day 7 ;)

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


A while ago I had come across the YCC thing but didn't have a look at it in any detail before. I hadn't heard of the doomloop, though the move away from fiat is well, what every crypto person predicts in hope that one day it justifies our obsession.

What I am more interested in is the competition between centralised and decentralised forms of business and the economy overall, as that is the crux of it all. In a year, the news will pick up in it too perhaps. :)