
Even without this tidbit, you think it's bad advice to own silver? I don't and own a bunch, so hope it's true. I also use solar and find it to be feasible. So, spread your #FUD and miss out. IDC, lol

My issue with metals is that owning physical is unfeasible.

I live in an apartment... like what the hell am I supposed to do with a stack of metal & how would I sell it??

While owning futures contracts in metals defeats the purpose.

You need to do some research, because your excuses make zero sense.


I'm just raising the questions I have.

Damn man, you're blunt 😢.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Oh by-the-way, your bias is an awful reason to base criticism. While I have an issue with all #governments, using the label #communist definitely shows an emotional bias. While they can be called many things, commie is just a slur.

I don't like the word communist either.

But how would you better describe an entire higher education system funded by the state?

Socialist, but whatever the label, it in itself doesn't negate claims. Verifiable Counter-claims do that prove the data wrong. On top of that, it's not entirely funded by the state.

Socialist, ah cheers 😉.

I just thought you weren't considering where the data you're basing investment decisions on, comes from.

But sounds like you're all over it 🙂.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta