Whats the website that will be generating ad revenue?
Once front-ends actually monetise content from the blockchain and start using that to drive value to their layer-2 token, the game will change.
Whats the website that will be generating ad revenue?
Once front-ends actually monetise content from the blockchain and start using that to drive value to their layer-2 token, the game will change.
hiveposh.com, currently where people register their web2 accounts on, not much else there right now aside from a top earners list and recent posh eligible tweets list (maybe even gosh soon and place them onto their own tab)
but plan is to add more things to it to entice people to check it out at least once per day.
Well, good luck on your path to sustainability.
Outside money being driven into the layer-2 token is the key!
Yeah that is the long term plan, while we appreciate the use of the hive rewardspool for now due to the what posh attempts to do (drive traffic towards hive), we hope not to use that for too long for price maintenance.