Is it practical to be able to support parents that farm and live in a different city? How do one help them although from a distance, to continue gardening. Any ideas @awalmula
Is it practical to be able to support parents that farm and live in a different city? How do one help them although from a distance, to continue gardening. Any ideas @awalmula
One of the things that can be done is helping them get constant supply to seeds for planting. If things like that are cheaper where you stay, then it's even better.
An upgrade of their farming tools could also suffice
#hivegarden #gosh
You have brilliant ideas for this and they are practical. They will definitely appreciate better farm tools. Of course, we can also remind them of weather reports or other info such as pest control technologies and the rest
How old are they? If physical fitness an issue, maybe raised garden beds?
Lets say beyond 55. Sure they may be limited physically. For example, not able to lift big objects or bend easily
Raised garden beds would help. Do you know them?
Sure, they are common in my area. Used for vegetables and the like.
already 63 years. she is my mother who does gardening for her retirement. use the land around the house. But you are right, he sleeps more now. :D
thanks for the support ;)