
My day so far has been okay although I'm feeling tired .

Let's have rice and moi moi for lunch (I wish 🥺)

Sorry about your weak body. Did you have enough rest last night? Rice and moimoi is perfect.

No I didn't, the baby in the house couldn't let me get a decent sleep because she was having some discomfort

Oh dear. So sorry. Find time to steal a nap today. Your body needs it

I really wish I can, I'd try anyways.

Thanks for your concern ❤️

Thanks Hope.

You're most welcome 😊

I'm glad yo think my lunch suggestion is perfect ☺️

Sure its great. So is it homemade or fastfood? Surely you couldnt cook as you are tired right?

I can cook but I'm in a family house so I can't just go and prepare what I crave for.

Yes, I get it now. Someone else takes that decision.

Yeah, I'm not in my father's house 😂