Great News - PEPT Token is splitting 2:1

in LeoFinance2 years ago


This morning I reviewed the balance sheet for Project ePayTraffic.

Since the initial price release on June 6, 2023 our PEPT wallet has gained in value, our PEPT2 off-chain holdings has improved in value and project liabilities have decreased.

Our Hive Book value changed from 2.599 to 5.92
Our Market price was set at 2.125 based on 6,000 tokens
After the split, the market price will be 1.062 based on 12,000 tokens.

The split will occur once the 67.014 tokens listed on the market has been sold.

Once all the initial offered tokens are sold, I will manually transfer tokens to existing token holders.

Once the transfer has been completed I will release another block of tokens to fund the next phase of our project improvement initiatives.

Note: This applies to PEPT tokens and not ePay tokens.

I am very pleased with the progress of our PEPT Traffic Exchange Community. There is a lot of growth to come from productivity improvements of existing operation, I expect sales to continue growing and several initiatives are on the book to drive new revenue streams.

#Luv and positive energy to all.


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HOW is PEPT purchased?

I like to see all of these new coin/token ventures have some success. Went into the HIVE-Engine to make a purchase of 1 PEPT, but was only able to make an offer.


I will be making more tokens available now that the last release has gone. Thank you for your interest.