If You Are Not Preparing For AI, You Are Not Preparing For Your Future!

in LeoFinance2 years ago

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Whether you like it or not, AI (Artificial Intelligence) is going to touch every aspect of your lives sooner than you realize. Experts have been predicting the rise of AI since the 1960s.

In some ways, it's simple to understand why we're finally seeing this technology emerge as the next big thing. It's because humans are lazy! We hate doing things ourselves when someone else can do them for us even if the results aren't quite what we want.

We've seen this phenomenon play out again and again in our lives: from ordering takeout food online instead of cooking dinner at home, to outsourcing our finances with apps like Mint and Personal Capital instead of managing our own checkbooks or savings accounts by hand.

But it also applies to how businesses operate today. Many companies are turning over more work than ever before because it allows them to focus on higher-level tasks that require more human judgment than rote memorization (and thus cannot be automated).

Artificial intelligence Is Not New

Obviously, we have seen its applications in movies. But in 2023, some of those movies will become reality. AI has been around for decades. The term artificial intelligence was coined by John McCarthy in 1956 at a conference he organized with fellow computer engineers and scientists - Marvin Minsky, Nathaniel Rochester, and Claude Shannon in the Dartmouth College conference center.

AI is not just about robots and computers anymore; it's also about humans. In today's world, we need to combine human intelligence with machine intelligence to be better informed and make better decisions faster than ever before.

AI Is Here To Stay

AI is a disruptive technology that will change the way we work. If you aren’t preparing for it, then you are not preparing for your future! It will be used to automate manual processes, repetitive tasks, knowledge work, and even creative work. I hope you had a lot of fun with AI art that can be generated in a few seconds with text. Or you must have tried Chat GPT to do your homework assignments.

Automation will eliminate jobs, but it won't necessarily create them. It's been happening for the whole of millennia. The problem is that we are suddenly facing the prospect of mass unemployment and much higher rates of poverty than we've ever seen before in human history.

No matter what happens, AI is here to stay and only going to grow. Most technical and repetitive jobs can be done by AI. Only the generalist with creative abilities will be able to survive. Rest will have a hard time catching up.

AI Has Limitations

When you're talking about AI, it's important to be clear about what it (and its limitations) can do. As a customer, you want your AI developer to understand that there are no silver bullets in the tech world.

A good AI developer will be able to explain why they didn't use a particular technology and why they might not recommend using it for your project: "We could have used XYZ for this part of our system", or "We chose not to use ABC because it's known as being hard to debug."

With AI, you can only automate manual processes where the resulting outcomes can be predicted. But IRL, unpredictable things happen all the time. In those situations, human creativity will thrive to seek possible solutions.


The most important thing to do is to know what you're up against. Knowing the enemy's strengths and weaknesses can help you plan your attack. If you have an open mind then you can turn this enemy into a strong ally. We are already living in the world of artificial intelligence, and it is up to us how we are going to utilize this technology. The individuals or companies and organizations that will succeed in the future will be those who have embraced AI and used it in their business processes & day to day life.

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For infotainment purposes only.

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It's insane to me that people still think that AI is "no big deal". Ever since OpenAI chat became free I have been using it to write a ton of generic stuff for clients and no one noticed a difference.

You can literally go to a freelance website, find a job posting and copy the instructions into the chat without providing it any other info. If the posting is clear and the gig is to only write stuff based on a set of rules you have a finished piece in seconds. After 3-4 iterations it's a work of art ready to get cashed in.

Work smart, not hard. This opportunity won't last forever.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Jerry, my dude, two weeks ago I did exactly the same on Upwork. Got a job, finished it in 90 minutes or so, and shared it with the client on the same day. I used Chat GPT to write almost every section.

He was so happy with both the quality and the turnaround time. Charged for 5 hours of work at a low rate and eventually, I got the money I deserved and well above that.

I even wrote the job proposal with Chat GPT in under a minute. Created a sample of a Litepaper I never wrote myself. 😂

Information is power only if you use it. While everyone is debating whether AI is good or bad for them, we are crushing with it. xD People don't realize this shit but we are sitting on a goldmine.

Clients don't give a fuck about your process, they just want results. If you can get them those results, you are their guy.

LFG bro! 🥂

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Recently we are seeing a surge in the AI tokens. Definitely something that will boost the blockchain usage.

Yes sire, it definitely will. Thanks a lot for the idea, will do a review on the social tokens which are getting popular.



AI is that disruptive technology that's here to stay. It'll shake the world, and many will lose unless they see the bigger picture; tapping into its power for their transformative advancement.

In essence, it is those that take a step back to understand and conceptualise just how to utilize this not-so-new weapon that will change the world that will actually win.

I am looking into ways to imbibe AI and see just how it can benefit my ambitions and seize it.

Yes bro. You are going in the right direction. Learning different AI tools is the best way to go about it. 🔥🫡

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If you have an open mind then you can turn this enemy into a strong ally.

That's one of the best ways to succeed in the AI evolution that's happening right in front of our faces. We have to understand the ins and outs of it. The more one knows, the more prepared one will be.

The world is advancing and is on a great speed to that, from good to better then progressing to being best. Have used an AI stuff, and I must say its wonderful, you can try out too.

Thanks for the article

In my company, we are leveraging AI to help us draft all kinds of documents, from emails to project proposals. We still need to dust it off and give it some final touches but it saves tons of time

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In as much as AI will make things easier, it actually going to disrupt a whole lot of genius content creation. Because sooner or later people are going to depend on it the more.
I hope it does more good than harm.

Ai is increasing everywhere and I do think it will be a part of the future. All the machine learning stuff is really starting to take off and people are feeling threatened due to AI art or chat bots.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I am not threatened but excited of the possibilities!

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I’m looking forward to seeing when Chat Gpt will be used to write code

This is already being done bro. 🔥🫡

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

AI is the future, you can do anything with AI now like content creation, video creation, image creation and what not.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta