What's Pushing me To Engage

in LeoFinance4 years ago


I was thinking today of what exactly to write about. I have 2 or 3 ideas but for some reason, i wanted to write about something else. As i was curating on my feed, i stumbled upon a post from @acesontop

In his post he was asking the community what exactly is pushing us to engage. He also shares his viewpoint regarding this!

Hardships of Engagement

To begin with, most of you know by now that engaging isn't that easy as it sounds. The number 1 reason is time. You see not everybody can invest the amount of time he wants in here and there are many reasons behind that.

Someone may have to take care of his family, he may work long hours or simply he is an outgoing person and wanna be out with friends or doing things.

The second reason why engaging is a bit tricky is the language barrier. Not all people can read and write English and even if they do to some extent, it's hard to understand the essence of some posts depending on their nature (scientific/tech). Add to that the time for translation and you got 2 reasons together!

What's Pushing me to Engage

After my long rumbling, it's time to answer the main question. So there are many reasons that are pushing me to Engage and i'll sort it below by the importance for me.


This is the number one reason by far, that's making me wanna engage more and more. You see i remember my first days on Steemit. When i first joined even though my intro post gathered around 50-60 cents i had over 15 welcoming comments.

The same kept on happening and when we joined hive/leo there were many times that i got low rewards. The only thing that kept me in here was 2-3 random comments in my post.

The community motivated me

Thus, i wanna do the same as well and motivate others the same way. If you see i generally comment on mid to low-level accounts precisely for this, to motivate them!


I am a really curious person by nature so i really like reading a plethora of topics. The irony is that i really enjoy learning new things but at the same time i am easily bored. That's why i read so many and different posts around here, to satisfy my hunger and learn without getting bored!


Engagement leads to Friendships. You all gonna find some authors that you genuinely love if not all, the majority of their posts. Also due to the interaction and its nature, you will start feeling a bit more closely with those that you interacted with constantly.

It's really amazing that you can build strong relationships with people around the world that have a common mindset with you. The possibilities are endless as you don't know where those friendships may end too. For example, you may visit each other's country or you may create a new crypto-project together!


The last thing that pushing me to engage are the rewards. That's the "harsh" truth but it's not bad to admit it, especially if it's not your number 1 priority.

By the time i earned my first cent from a comment i never commented on mainstream social media again. That doesn't mean that i am after money when i am commenting.

You see i have a set of rules regarding commenting. The criteria that will lead me to make a comment are whether i find the post interesting or the author is a friend of mine.

If i don't like the post, not necessarily because it's bad but because i may not find it interesting, i simply not gonna read it or make a comment even if the author gives comments worth 10$.

I am waiting for your answers, or simply create your own post and tag @acesontop as i inspired it from him!

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Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


Yeah engaging it a skill on it's own. Some people are just good at it while others struggle to make a decent rapport over the other person they comment on. If you're concerned with the amount of time you're going to use when reading someone's post and commenting, check first their comment section and see how often they engage with other users too. You might just be talking in dead air and that's plenty waste of time.

Another thing I like to keep in mind when commenting is don't look at the stats or think about anything else but the content I'm reading. Some people are just forcing themselves to comment in the hopes they get curated for rewards and that's understandable. The thing is, it just gives you unhappy thoughts when you review your comment section as see barely few comments of yours are upvoted. That's not how it should be. You're commenting because you are interested about the person and not the rewards.

Just enjoy the social aspect of the blockchain and the rewards would follow without you even knowing it. Hell, I haven't made a post for leofinance for days now and I'm still surprised that I get Leo tokens every now and then only to find some comments of mine were upvoted. I don't look back unless I get a reply I can contribute further.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

totally agree! i said it in my post as well, when i am about to make a comment, that means that i have already read and upvoted the post. Also, to read a post i must find it interesting. If not then i don't care even if i would earn 10 leo rewards from it.

To sad thing is that by being 4 years in this platform i can easily understand who read my post/half of it/nothing as well as which accounts comment for the sake of visibility and upvotes. (and we are talking of known authors :P)

that's life though :P

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

It happens. Some people are just there for the visibility. You would know if people really read your post if the comment was relevant to the topic beyond vague congratulations. I don't even get comments on my art posts and the phenomenon is quite common among communities. Leo community has more engagement on an average user's post which is good.

Sometimes there are posts that I find interesting but not really compel me to upvote it. We are conditioned to believe that upvote = compliment. This is the culture of the blockchain where posts/comments can gain monetary incentives. I don't like that kind of conditioning even if it benefits me. To the other party, you're conditioning them into thinking each time they interact with you, you get money and when there is a failure to follow up on that reward, the dopamine doesn't kick in and it contributes to bad experience between user interaction. I like the unpredictability of being rewarded when I comment.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

exactly! i still remember when steem's price was crazy, how many of these comments we all had :P

I think during that time even my vote was worth from 20 cents to 50 maybe more so imagine :P

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

One other thing is feeling part of something greater and working together with others instead of being a solo wolf out there. When working together we can lift each other, contribute to the same goal and sharing common interests and hobbies. Community over singularity!

The collaboration aspect to things is huge. This is a cooperative since we all actually have a piece of it.

Anyone with LEO has a vested interest in what is taking place on the platform.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

if you are solo in a community-based platform then the end is near :P

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

For me, engaging is like contributing to the growth or activity within the platform, I want to see this platform succeed more than anything else, so I'm very much willing to spend time here, also I get to learn a ton of info about what's going on that I'm yet to be aware of,...two mega combinations,...a win win

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I agree.

Engagement is a big help to the success of a platform like this.

Without it, I doubt we would be to the point we are. It seems many like the engagement that is taking place on here.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

We have a duty to establish the engagement culture, so that when others come, it becomes a norm...

That is potentially true. I am not sure we are there yet. The numbers do not seem to be increasing.

Of course, the challenges with scotbot and nodes of late hurt it. We also could be seeing the effect of the holiday season as people are focusing upon other things.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

True definitely....the holiday really does have a part to play in that

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

don't you get motivated or get that feeling of joy when someone makes a comment under your post?

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Oh I definitely do,...sure feels great

The only thing that kept me in here was 2-3 random comments in my post

I feel the same here. It's great to get upvotes to our posts. It's good for the wallet. But when you get comments, this is a totally different dimension. It's what gives us motivation to write things in the first place I believe.

It is definitely a time consuming activity to engage with people but it's so rewarding and I realised that when I comment on other people's posts, they tend to do the same with mine. So I try to dedicate 15 minutes every day (which is not that much) to read posts of other people and to leave a comment. If everybody does that, we will all feel a bit happier :-)

The different dimension, as you said, is a different type of payoff.

While comments can certainly get compensated, I vote on enough of them, it is more than financial. The fact that people can start to have conversations is really what helps things along.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I totally agree. It's the conversations that are actually the basis for building real relationships on this platform. Such relationships can become strong bonds that make this community different from many others.

It also should be encouraging to newer people when they get pulled into conversations.

I rarely look at the user as much as the content of the comment. Any applicable comment that warrants a reply gets one, regardless of who puts it up.

This is much different from what happens on traditional social media where most interaction takes place between "friends".

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

This is much different from what happens on traditional social media where most interaction takes place between "friends".

I believe this is actually what stands out on this blockchain. You can start to interact with somebody that you don't know on the basis of content. It's a great way to actually make friends with people who have similar interests.

exactly as you described it! Also, imagine that i dedicate over an hour reading/commenting :P

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

That's what I would like to do as well. Need to find a bit more time for that ;-)

For me the answer is extreme psychological issues due to unresolved problems from my childhood.

It is either that or the aid it gives to the platform and newer accounts.

I will have to check with my therapist to see which one it is.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

hehe you were one step ahead :P

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

or maybe both :P

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

You have clearly indicated the reasons that push us to engage. These are also my reasons, especially since I am, like you, an "expat" here, not a native English speaker. Even if some seek not to acknowledge that the reward is a major reason why they comment, in fact it is and I think it is not a shame.

As proof that this is the case, you can check which authors receive the most comments. Those who have special posts but who show that they care about those who comment, who respond to comments and add a reward. This reward is normal if we take into account the time spent, the interest shown for the respective post and the contribution of each one to the development of the approached topic.

Nothing is sadder than a post that even if it is well written and well paid, has no comment.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

totally agree!

Nothing is sadder than a post that even if it is well written and well paid, has no comment.

truth be told, another factor that plays a huge role in this is visibility. For example, a new user writes a pretty damn good post but at the same time the only way to be seen if he got no upvotes is by someone who manually curates on the "recent" tab.

To add to that even if he got just a little LP/HP or whatever just a few will comment basically because they know they won't get rewards. The actual people that are 100% genuine regarding upvoting/commenting are just a few.

After almost 4 years in these platforms, i can tell with 100% certainty now, which users actually read the post and which user made a comment only for the rewards!

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Yes, it is easy to recognize a comment whose author didn;t read the post.
The opposite happens to me, I often read the post but do not comment if I have nothing to say, or I did not understand what is being said in that post.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

For me it's definitely friendship, it's amazing how much you find out about someone whom you might not know what they look like and may never meet in your life, yet you feel as though you know them so well.

and imagine how cool would be to actually meet him! For example, if you have a decent relationship through comments, same community discord, and let's say you decide to visit his/her country or vice versa just a message will suffice and you gonna meet!

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I agree! Having a real person engage with you is a great motivational boost!

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

i am glad we are on the same boat :P

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta