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RE: The growing fear of rising inflation

in LeoFinance3 years ago

Where does the money go? Into the pockets of career politicians who distribute it to their patrons in return for re-election. It's just a money-laundering scheme by those who hold the power to prosecute normal people for doing the same. The money is in DC and in the pockets of the donor class who keep the arrogant "progressive" monsters of both major parties in power. There is no refuge for we libertarians who just want to be left alone to raise our families and practice our faith and enjoy the fruits of OUR labor. !BEER


PArtly this is true, but it is also true that the largest economic force on earth or in any country is the consumer. Consume differently, change the economy. This would also affect the tax system and where it is applied. The thing is, the majority of people want security and convenience and are willing to give up their control to have it. We see this evidenced by the struggle crypto has getting traction daily.

Government meddling has created perverse incentives so that consumers now behave against their own long-term interests. Every time there was a "covid stimulus" payment, for example, there was a sale on big screen TVs at Wal-Mart. Also the "War on Poverty" destroyed normal urban family structure and created a world in which unmarried women have multiple babies with a succession of jobless men and get government checks in return. The rich do insane things for "tax credits." None of this crazy behavior would happen in a free market with a constitutionally-restrained government.