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RE: The biggest risk to our wealth

in LeoFinance3 years ago

Well said. My dad always said, "It's not what you make, it's how much you save". My father always paid cash, he would bark about interest rates on loans. He built an incredible paving business worth millions but not without having to take on loans along the way. But he hated paying interest, so anytime he made money, he would pay those debts off as quickly as possible. As business grew, his investments were not in stocks, but in land. As the years went on, that land was developed by himself and his own crew, which were my uncle and my three brothers.
That property now has 9 shops on it, that not only cover taxes and expenses, but it's cash cow. Completely paid for with 9 rent checks coming in every month. It was his retirement fund. Gosh for a guy with just a high school education, he was amazing.
He also said, "in God we trust, others pay cash. I miss him.


My dad always said, "It's not what you make, it's how much you save".

This is a good thing - but also has to be expanded on since then. Back at that point, saving was an investment because of interest rates - now it s a cost, so the investment part has to be done actively.

Seems like your dad had a good head on his shoulders :)