Have you ever wondered why the past tense of preach is preached, the past tense of leech is leeched, but the past tense of teach is taught? I have, and I believe it speaks to the nature of truth and its complexity, if you think deep enough about it.
Of course, you first have to believe, as I do, that the concept of randomness is entirely erroneous, before you can expect to learn a lesson about life from what would otherwise be seen as an insignificant piece of information.
I don't believe in the concept of coincidence or luck personally... some say that makes me a fatalist, but in my mind it's just all interwoven energy that ripples out and directly impacts all other energy. Spelling and language in general are a very interesting area to ponder. The fact they call it "spelling" makes me think language was inherently designed with the potential to weave illusions. Just look at legalese and how the same words can be used and interpreted in so many different ways that it becomes very clear it's intentional to allow arbiters of the law to, in most cases, come to their own conclusions. Just remember the famous Bill Clinton quote, "It depends on what the meaning of the word 'is' is."
I am kind of obsessed with language for the past few years, and I seem to be learning a great deal about the world through looking for patterns contained in it. But I think the reason that it is called spelling, or curse words, or cursive, is because words have the power to alter people's beliefs and consequently the manner in which they experience the world. I also think this is why we call a collection of words a sentence - because we are, when we speak to someone, sentencing them to an existence shaped by the words we directed at them. You could say, we're forcing them to begin a new chapter in their lives.
So yes indeed words are powerful. They have the power to make people suffer more or less, and to make people behave in a way that will lead others to suffer more or less. And in spite of knowing this I cannot help but speak idly far too often.
As for legalese. I am waiting for someone to approach a politician speaking about mandates and ask them what language they are speaking. I want to see if they say English or Legalese.