Hive simply needs to bring in more citizens. When people understand we are seeing the formation of a decentralized network-state, then they can be attracted to totality of what is built developed. This is not just some social media or blogging platform. It is much bigger than that.
Wow, the title alone roped me in. I've always felt a strong sense of ownership on Hive that I never felt on the parasitic Blogger platform. The idea of a Network-State truly crystallized what it means to be all-in and have skin in the game, as opposed to being an extractive leecher like some.
Contributing to LeoFinance #threads, sharing thoughtful comments and creating insightful blog posts to help populate the platform with content irregardless of upvotes in order to help bring in new citizens.
That's what makes for a true citizen of Hive and how we keep the ball rolling in building the first Network-State on the blockchain. Count. Me. In.