"Oh lordy" indeed. Looks like you had an eventful day. Remember, its Gaz's world, we just live in it. :)
No, you're right of course about showing up and adding value. That "build it and they will come" mindset never works. I'm making a concerted effort to fold in more time to do exactly that without cutting any of my responsibilities as the "responsible one" in the family.
Found some things I could trim in order to help keep the place more active so that new visitors have some tires to kick when they do exactly that.
What's that old saying about a tree falling in the forest? You can write the best post in the world, but you've gotta get out and get into the mix, while powering up your rewards in order to have even more impact.
I have a nice amount of LEO tokens coming in the next few hours and am powering them all up. Want to increase the quality of my writing, engagement, and aim for a 1000 LEO target and beyond. I know I can do it. I've done it before and I can do it again! :)
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