Keep a secret bank account in your name with escape money and some cash someplace secret. Hope you never have to use it, but it's insurance against bad situations. (Esp. women, but men with concerns too). #fintips
Keep a secret bank account in your name with escape money and some cash someplace secret. Hope you never have to use it, but it's insurance against bad situations. (Esp. women, but men with concerns too). #fintips
I do this. I have my passport and important docs along a bag of money that I can just grab on my way out to never come back hehe, you never know when the next attack (of any type) might come
Yes. We're advised to keep Civil Defense bags in my country, too - but due to earthquakes, volcanic eruptions etc.
But I keep it there in case of government or revolutions, not because of my wife xD
or just put all your crypto on a ledger and shove it up your ass, right @neopch? lol
Your partner might still find it. Depends on the nature of your relationship.
valid point. Maybe it's for pleasure lol
That's where the wristwatch goes! It's the esophagus where you put the Ledger.
wrist watch sounds uncomfortable up there
That was a scene I saw in some movie or TV show a long time ago. I forget where it's from, but dude mentioned that location.
the ole prison wallet 🤣
i will never forget this conversation. the origin of shitcoins.
I could think of more comfortable places to keep it...