1/ 🧵 Central Bank of Russia is open to accept all the CBDCs from other nations through forex market. It is not being clossed to their own Digital Rubble.
1/ 🧵 Central Bank of Russia is open to accept all the CBDCs from other nations through forex market. It is not being clossed to their own Digital Rubble.
2/ 🧵 Russia has released it's own Digital Rubble which is a CBDC. And it was also on the pilot recently. As the online digital payments are on the rise, CBDCs were trigered in motion.
3/ 🧵 Russian central bank is open to all the forex paired CBDCs that are out there. And it won't be locking its own Digital Rubble to the citizens.
4/ 🧵 This move goes to show you that Russia has no plan on being closed walled garden state. And instead it is open to play on the international forex market using their CBDC.
5/ 🧵 Check out how Russia is not keeping Digital Rubble exclusive for citizens.