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RE: What one thing does Hive need to thrive?

in LeoFinance3 years ago

And the longer answer is:

The coordinated effort of all parties involved - dapps producers, big stake owners, marketing (be it by agencies or amateurs like me and you).

In order to do that we need better governance. We need some structure. I know that putting the structure on things is frowned upon and people tend to argue and see the leaders as greedy bastards. They only see their reflection :)

The hive needs some structure. Maybe a coop which would be a strong partner to represent Hive and be a partner to the big players outside the ecosystem, to possible investors of money, knowledge, ideas, users, ...

Another take on the what we need question is that we should take the up-side-down approach too.

Let's ask ourselves What we want? and work with small steps to get toward those goals.

Just a ramble ...

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


Among other things I want this to be a place where 10 million people come together with a few hundred dollars each to buy patents for necessity grade things like medicine and essential technologies, then make a big enough profit to make it worthwhile before giving it to the world via public domain.

That's a very far-reaching goal, bravo!

Independence from big industry and their greed at first. No big industry and their monopoly in the end.


Posted Using LeoFinance Beta