This is why Amazon and other tech companies want your data. If they can predict your actions and keep you coming back, they have won.
That's why Jack Ma is under enormous pressure from the Chinese government. Alipay knows all its customers behavior, what they like, what they buy and that's a powerful weapon. Alipay and WeChat are both threats for the Chinese government. They are rolling out the digital yuan shortly and want control, control they don't have now as these two giants are controlling most of the financial market.
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True but I think the easiest solution for them is force these applications to use and pay with the Digital Yuan. Any other currency is directly converted into the digital yuan and you pay the premiums to convert back to other currency. If they do so, they force the applications to go through banks for currency exchange. However, that economical system is pretty deadly and I would not want to live in that society.
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AS I know the Chinese, they will do everything to get what they want, no matter the costs. I would not want to live there either, trust me. I know first hand how it is to live in communism.
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