Have you ever wanted to launch you own Web 3 Project with ease and connect it to an Awesome Ecosystem to generate Revenue?
Wow, it has been a long time. It has been a lot of work. Its has been a tough way, but as always, if you want to do something special, you need mostly to go through hard times...
But I am very proud! I am proud to announce I officially launch and go public with the project!
Its just the very beginning. But before going public, I really wanted to go to work out the concept. A lot of people was still waiting what my platform is about, in which direction it goes and how you all can profit out of this.
Now its time to share this awesome project! The DAO is launched, tokens and governance contracts are issued! The next few weeks one product after another will release!
Most of you all like myself are believing in Web 3. And I am very sure, the usage of platforms and financial services will drastically change and improve because of awesome people like you and me.
We are dreamers, we are doers, we are changing the world and contribute to an awesome future.
Participating and develope dApps
As some of you know, its hard work to develop dApps! There a lot of stuff to prepare, like on which chain you want to launch, need to know several programming languages, have experience with architectures and libraries like SDKs, Frameworks etc., setup documentations and a landing-page, get funded and much more. You need to be prepared, so often you need to have an overview what you can use and how to use it.
But what if, where is a way with ease?
Participating with Ease!
Well, I have something for you. I really needed that by my own a long time ago. I am one of the people with dozens of ideas. But I was thinking about, what if there is a tool-set with everything you need to just only focus on the idea - without all crunchy and time consuming stuff you need to prepare. So to say - Just being a creative Web 3 Entrepreneur and try out ideas. Because I am very sure as far as I have seen, there are a lot of creative people out there without any accessibility to realize the dream.
What you get
- Web 3 Boilerplate and SDK (Frontend, Smart-Contracts, Documentation, Landingpage with ready to use Designs)
- Documentation how to use it and how to register it to the DAO Network
- Possibilities of Funding out of the Box
- Exclusive Access to the DAO Reward Pool by staking the token
Ofcourse you can use the bundle, but ofcourse you can use only parts
This is interesting for
- Developer
- Entrepreneurs
- Investors
And ofcourse users, which will use those products.
Ethereum, Polygon, Avalanche - everything included via ONE GATEWAY
- Angelists Placements NFTs (October 21)
- Project Boilerplates with ready to use Web 3 Implementation incl. Documentation and Landinpage (Alpha November 21)
- eLABs Token Launch and AirDrop (Autumn 21)
- nomics (Autonomous Partnership to get passive income for your project)(End of 21)
Additional Integrations in Focus
- Hive Integration with ready-to-use node-modules and GUI components (Proposal coming soon)
- ArkEcosystem
- OceanProtocol
Take Part
Contributors to the Project will be rewarded with ELABS Token which gives you lifetime passive income by stakeholding
Info: Tokens will not be minted by staking, but it will give you access to the DAO Reward Pool. The benefit is, that the token is not inflationary!
Contribution Types
- Investment
- Development
- Public Relation
- Moderation
and more - you can write proposals into the DAO an get votes to get your funding, too!
Stay tuned and have a look onto the homepages - More Content and first applications com soon!
- ecosis - Awesome Ecosystem (Main)
- eLABs - ecosis Laboratories (Main DAO as a community driven Core Team for Development and Asset Management)
- enjine - Ready to use Boilerplates and SDK to build Web 3 Apps out of the Box
- nomics - Autonomous Partnership Contract (Passive Income for registered Projects)
- Angelists - Trade Placements (NFTs) - The Revolutionary Advetisement
Thank you for your attention! I am really pumped! I am looking forward to grow this with you. I really believe in it and I will never stop to work on this forever!
@equaliser 😏