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RE: Hive: People Missing The Bigger Picture

in LeoFinance2 years ago (edited)

Few are willing to put in the time to let things grow to the point where massive success takes place.

Since most of the people I talk to are "of a certain age" they have been part of traditional social media for 10+ years. So when I tell them, "If you're going to be creating content, walking/working out, creating and consuming podcasts, video etc, why wouldn't you also add the blockchain as a destination for your content where you can own and possibly earn? It seems to resonate.

...bringing up topics such as the decentralization of media and the decline of cable news is important.

In the early 2000's when blogging, podcast, vlogging first rolled out en masse, traditional media termed it new media I call it the decentralization of media. Before then if you wanted to be seen you read you needed to be in the newspaper, magazine, or write a book. If you wanted to be heard you needed to be on the radio. If you wanted to be seen you needed to be on TV or in the movies. But with blogging, podcasting, and vlogging you could be read, heard, and seen globally AND you didn't need anyones permission to do it. It was a powerful moment in time.

When I see what is happening with blockchain technology and specifically Hive, I talk about the decentralization of content and decentralization of monetization. We can now not only have the freedom to be read, heard, and seen globally but we are also the owners of that content and have the opportunity (not guarantee) of being rewarded for it. But not just us as creator. Also everyone as curator because the value is not just in the creation of the content, but in the engagement of that content with others.

How many people consider Hive to be a financial network?

The way I talk about Hive regarding earnings and rewards, is like a piggy-bank you put the change in the bottom of your pocket at the end of the day. Not much each day, but over time it adds up to something more significant. But only if you continue to put that change in each day. It's an overly simple concept, but it drives the point home

I stated that each Hive account is a business. This is something that is becoming clearer each day. That said, do most take advantage of it?

I like this concept a whole lot. It's a slight shift in mindset and yet it is a huge change in thinking about our role, our obligation, and our responsibility to both ourselves and the good health of the chain.

We are seeing Web 3.0 appearing before our eyes. It is offering the opportunity for anyone to stake a claim and build something.

When I talk about the Web3 opportunity to folks on Web2, I talk about taking the exact same behaviors they do right now as it comes to content creations (blogging, social media), multimedia (podcasting, livestreaming, video), fitness, gaming and changing the destination to the blockchain. The goal being that by simply shifting the destination for their daily online (and offline) activities the value given and received is multiplied. Some understand and take action. Others listen and watch.

As much as many of us are all in on what Hive has to offer us as human beings who want to be in control of our destiny, we are still in the early days of the Rogers Bell Curve. We're slowly inching towards the wave. One of our roles as evangelists is to keep taking. Eventually the world will catch up.


There was a time where Walter Cronkite was the only game in town. Then it became Rather, Brokaw, and Jennings. Then it was the 3 major cable news networks with their number of talent.

Now the big 3 cable news are getting hit as the Carlson's of the world seek out their own stuff or go on twitter.

So yes it is all part of a larger trend, one you picked up on.

Posted Using LeoFinance Alpha

News has became more about sensationalism and less about non-biased news reporting. Thankfully with the online world at our fingertips we can curate our own news.