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RE: Objective 1 Million USD - My 2021 Master Plan

in LeoFinance4 years ago

I had a similar conversation a couple of weeks ago with a closer friend. Lucky, me? Yeah. Could be in the sense of growing in a 1r world country and to have parents able to grant me a decent education.

Financially I made my own path something that didn't happen overnight.

The old phone still works, and hope to amortize it a few months more... The car was an inheritance able to carry me to the required places. It's another 'tool', but I need it as I don't live in a city and you need a means of reliable transport.

A good car is something great... again if you have the means to enjoy it properly. Good car and 350€/monthly payment for 3 years? No thanks. If you have to take a loan obv you can't afford it IMO.

I'll be working hard to reach that goal, you'll also be able to make great things this year. Even with 'only' LEO

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you'll also be able to make great things this year. Even with 'only' LEO

Gracias ;)

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