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RE: Is it Easy To Make Money?

in LeoFinancelast year it easy to make MONEY?...i think this should be a thread. The truth is it is very easy to spend money than to make money...since this equation is not balanced that's why people 4esort to crimes killing robbery and other negative vices, to them that's an easy way to make money and spend same easily too.

The thing with humans is that we are always constantly shying away from reality which is inevitable, some how what you skip today you MUST come back to fix it you can't run away from REALITY.

Really my take in this is totally different making money is like driving a Car, motorcycle or bicycle, it's start slowly and then pick up the pas, if one is consistent with what he or she does, then there is an avenue to grow, you have one stream today and from that you run into 10streams of income, were in a day you can't even count how Many millions hit your account the you'd see how very easy it is to make money, however please don't get me wrong, it requires huge sacrifices, dedication, pain, cost, and years of experience to be were it has now get to you seeing how easy it is to make money.....which all together is not easy making those bucks, that's why

Till tomorrow if I see any one spending money frivolously I really would doubt the means of that wealth

Thanks for sharing