Most people already know about Epic Games Store and their motive to grow their userbase by offering free games. It's a business strategy that works and most of the games they offer for free for a limited time aren't even bad! In a week or so you will be able to claim STAR WARS™ Battlefront™ II: Celebration Edition on Epic Games Store for free!
This is a big Triple-A game made by DICE and published by EA. The Celebration Edition unlocks some cosmetics items, which you can also get by just playing the game. Customization content released after December 20, 2019 is not included in the Celebration Edition.
This is a game that players really hated when it was released because of all the microtransactions the game had, but it's all fixed by now and the game is better than ever.
Epic Games Store is still not a very good platform to buy games from. The store is still missing a lot of features, but free games are free games. There is no point passing this opportunity. You should claim the game even if you don't play games because maybe someday you will be really bored with nothing to do.
Check it out.
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