Hello dearest Hivians! Now, why is it that green candles make me want to come back to this wonderful platform and share about my life? Is it the prospect of, one day, finally leveraging my crypto wealth in the real world or even, in the nascent metaverse once it reaches maturity? Is it the validation of knowing that Blockchain social media may be the future after all? In this respect, I came across an article on Cointelegraph that makes me bullish about this prospect. Was Hive mentioned? Unfortunately, it was not, which is no surprise because for a journalist, it would lengthen an article considerably to be impartial while touting the merits of Hive's DAO, which is way ahead of its time. There will be competition in this field, to be sure, and I'm excited to see rivals appear gradually on the horizon. Ones that can succeed where BlockOne's Voice failed miserably. I am open to embracing other native Web 3 communities, how about you? Let me know in the comments.
Shine Bright Like a Diamond
It's true, I'm finally back into Diamond League in the Lands that Splinter. I tend to pass on a lot of rental revenue in exchange for the privilege of picking up my collection on a whim, just as the owner of a sports car doesn't have to wait for his vehicle to come back from a rental to use it. For those of you unfamiliar with Splinterlands, there is a delay from when you cancel a card rental and when you can have it back.
Marvel Snap has taken the world by storm, which is one of the things keeping me away from my role playing NFT collection. The fast and responsive game play speaks to how a large stakeholder like Disney can yank the blanket their way as far as collectible card games. Even if I think Snap is a bit more fun at the moment, I have skin in the game with my Splinterlands NFT collection, and I am overjoyed to see that we are taking taking first place on Dapp Radar by daily active users, surpassing even Pancake swap.
When I hear the SL team talk about new game modes, to be added on the roadmap eventually, I like the idea of a more responsive way to play the game. I know it may not be realistic, but I owe it to the community to at least mention that this would be insanely good, no matter how far away the dream. The idea of adding spells and items, once the land expansion comes out is fair, but the dynamic strategies in Marvel Snap are quite superior in the sense that the gameplay is simple, and yet there are distinct strategies that have to do with moving your cards, destroying them from your hand or deck, destroying them on the field or drawing new cards not from your deck. This, coupled with the fact that the locations operate according to different rulesets, that are revealed during the first few turns.
What I'm trying to say is that I hope these spells and items remain simple, don't feel clunky and are enabling future game modes that may be within reach if there are technological breakthroughs making things cheaper for a smaller company to pull off.
The two games are both card based, but that's where the similarities stop as far as marketing budget, for example, which speaks volumes about what a little triumphs Splinterlands is, especially for redistributing value to us users.
Another way to look at this, is if Splinterlands could somehow evolve towards a similar turn based system, instead of just being ranged, melee or magic damage, it could be damage done in a different context, allowing for more depth of storytelling. When I play Snap, I feel like a story is unfolding with some characters I know and love, I am looking forward to the day the Splinterlands roster matures, makes their way into our collective subconscious and come back mighty with new game modes. These things take time, and the fan art really helps achieve this, namely, the official art contest. Guys, even when your art doesn't even place, we love to see it in the comments!!!
I have a question for the community. If a game mode was invented for Splinterlands, but only 20 cards across different editions were allowed to be used to play, and they had to be soulbound, would you be interested?
Let me know in the comments.
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