Manual curating can be very rewarding, though it also takes time. For more than three years I manually curate the music section on HIVE. Music is my passion, so that keeps me going. Almost every day at least one hour spend. Recently I started to get renewed interest in crypto, trading, investing and all, and try to go through posts at LeoFinance as well, at least 4 to 5 times a week. And when I spend time reading the post, or watching the video; I most of the time comment as well with some valuable comment (valuable for myself, for the post author, or for other users reading the post and comments). So much information we can take away from what other post and talk about. And I do 100% agree with you. The value of Leo will be driven by how strong the Leo community is; This strenght is shown by not only giving value to those posts that adds value, but also by interacting with the community through the posts (posts and comments are visible to all, discord is not though its a great way of interacting with the Leo community as well). That said, I still have to pay my first visit to the Leo discord. You have an invite, or server name for me?
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta