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RE: Centralized Social Media: Making People Ignorant

in LeoFinance4 years ago

Agree with with your point of view. I'm glad you pointed out most people should be able to deal with the changes in information flows. What you think about those who can't? Should they become victim of the new system? And what about all the extra time required to understand if whatever someone says, can be considered the truth, or reality? You think many people take that time? I'm constantly struggling with this group that will be left out; How we can prevent that from happening. As I'm struggling with the fact we see a growing number of people believe things without questioning. We certainly need to become sceptics again, except for the fact we also need to believe in the good of people. If we don't believe in the later, decentralised communities are at risk.

BTW, Galileo repeated what Copernicus claimed; He was given house arrest for the rest of his life.

Thats the short story, a bit summarised and not 100% representing the truth :) Galileo was not sentenced for long life imprisonment when he repeated what Copernicus said, but only after another two decades or so when he repeated the words again in a book that became quite popular in these days.

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