"The world would be a better place if I was in charge!"

in LeoFinance4 years ago

evil king.jpg

So I was scrolling through my Twitter account when I noticed something mildly disturbing. Apparently a tag dubbed: #LifeWithoutMenWouldBe was trending. Tens of thousands of Tweets all with this tag today.


Of course this is really all par for the course when it comes to the authoritarian left. Cancel culture, ends justify the means, I know what's better for you than you do. As an extreme-left libertarian: this of course makes me throw up in my mouth a little.

The shear audacity that these people think the world would be a better place if they were in charge is downright flabbergasting. Stop talking: you aren't special, and the world would be just as shit if you were in charge. Get over yourself.

I'm sick of hearing 'bout the have's and have-not's
Have some personal accountability
The biggest problem with the way that we've been doing things is
The more we let you have, the less that I'll be keeping for me

Don't try to tell me that some power can corrupt a person
You haven't had enough to know what it's like
You're only angry 'cause you wish you were in my position
Now nod your head because you know that I'm right, all right!


This magical thinking that the world would somehow be better if a different group was in charge is rooted in a fantasy land born of frustration and living under constant attack from the status quo. Doesn't matter who's doing the talking: women, LBGTQ, or citizens with a darker skin color. They all spew the same bullshit: "If I was in charge things would be better." Sure I guess that's true if you just speculate blindly without paying attention to how the world actually works.

This is quite possibly the best explanation possible on the topic of such things as "absolute power corrupts absolutely". Anyone who thinks they are somehow immune to this corruption is either delusional, or guaranteed to get assassinated once they come into power, simple as that: we've seen it happen dozens of times throughout the ages. Champions of the people are not allowed to draw breath for long.

As always this all circles back to crypto. My friends are always telling me shit like, "Well it's not a silver bullet! Crypto can't solve everything!" Wrong again. It totally can. That's the entire point.

All of these issues of corruption result from fallible humans falling back to trialist behaviors after they gain access to new levers of power. Let's be honest: it's hard to care about a million people, let alone 7 billion. I'm never going to even meet a million people. I'm never going to be friends with more than a thousand people. This is why humanity doesn't scale: we were originally designed for smaller groups. Thus, tribalism was born and the infinite competition between these small groups.

Corporations tried to fix the issue: they really did. In fact corporations got closer to fixing it than any other system. However, as we see all to often, the business gets too big and the apathy sets in. We fall back to nepotism and giving those closest to us favors that they don't deserve to maintain our power positions.

The ONLY solution to fixing these problems is for NO ONE to be in charge. It really is that simple. Before Bitcoin, this was largely impossible. But now with blockchain technology we can automate governance, regulation, and reputation directly into these protocols.

This is a prospect that should be respected and pursued with righteous vigor, but once again we see the greed kick in. Most people in crypto are just here for ROI; not to fix the world. To be fair, most do not realize what crypto can actually do for the world (in a very short period of time, no less).

Crypto is x1000 times more important than the Internet itself, and we all saw what happened there. Crypto is the ultimate upgrade to the Internet for decentralized communications, whether those communications be verbal or value/reputation based (money), and like children we treat it like some toy that's fun to play with. Embarrassing.


Just like the authoritarian right was emboldened by a Trump presidency, now we see that the authoritarian left is popping up and spewing their bullshit. We really should be calling this stuff out constantly, because it's toxic as hell and only serves to divide the sectors capable of conquering the status quo should they band together. I suppose that's the entire point: keep the clans divided so they can be controlled easily.

Next time we tell ourselves that politicians are incompetent we would do well to remember that they are actually masters of their craft who have ascended to the highest levels of perceived authority. It's a shame they don't actually work for us. Shoot, I guess we'll just have to vote the bums out and find someone better! Yeah! That'll work!

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


Nothing stays broken for decades. It's either fixed or replaced.
The fact our system's been circling the drain since before my grandparents suggests it's not broken. It's doing exactly what it was designed to do.
Feign brokenness to co-opt the goodness of the public; to expend their energy trying to reform an inherently evil thing back to some imaginary true, good condition.

Conclusion: Voluntarism!!

It's no coincidence I'm seeing news coming out of the UK showing women angry with police, with a hint of being angry with men. Micheal Moore ranting on Facebook twisting a mass shooting into a men/vs women thing, with a hint of racism. These kind of twitter trends. All at once.

This is their game. It's their attention economy. It's how they make money.

It's no coincidence a royal family is talking to Oprah, bringing up racism, enforcing the whole white vs black narrative; at the same time the trial for that cop who did the nasty to George Floyd.

And just because I point this out, that does not mean I represent "the other team."

I've been studying this common mass media manipulation trend for a long time. Anyone who's buried deep within the echo chambers won't be able to see it. If you want to see everything that's happening now on a smaller scale, dig up Jim Jones and Jonestown. Then you can see how it appears as if a cult is in charge of the media, busy warping minds, for their own benefit. Hiding an ulterior motive behind pretending to be the saviors of humanity.




Manually curated for #informationwar (by @truthforce)

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Just like the authoritarian right was emboldened by a Trump presidency, now we see that the authoritarian left is popping up and spewing their bullshit.

Can we stop comparing to Trump who tried to make a coup, with the people that protest for his rights?, I think that are totally different issues. What happened in UK is a murder by a policeman is quite normal that women feel angry for that.

Is to make civil protests authoritarian?, and who is that authoritarian left that rules the mass media exactly?. I don't think that Facebook fits in that category.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I'm not making any comparisons.
Authoritarians are in charge 100% of the time.
This is imperialism, and it's been this way since before everyone was born.

"The ONLY solution to fixing these problems is for NO ONE to be in charge. It really is that simple."


Now a new subscriber to the CGP Grey YouTube btw.

Cheers ;)

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

People hate the rich and they hate the powerful. But the rich and the powerful have really figured out how to give people what they want.

Cheap pleasure and entertainment AND releif from their own responsibilities.

Envy to me is the worst of all sins.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Really enjoyed reading this one. Well written, dope views.

Sadly, the answer to a just system, maybe a system where humans aren’t involved in everyday decisions, code makes those decisions, but it is only fair and just when we can all learn enough to verify the code is doing it’s job.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Grey's Rules for Rulers is the best popular restatement of political realism of our time.

The ONLY solution to fixing these problems is for NO ONE to be in charge. It really is that simple. Before Bitcoin, this was largely impossible. But now with blockchain technology we can automate governance, regulation, and reputation directly into these protocols.

I'm in perfect agreement over that radical opinion.

Putting ANYONE in charge of society is a fucking stupid idea. Now that the technology exists to implement rules without rulers it should be patently obvious that this is what we should aggressively pursue.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Oh touchy point, no one being in charge doesn't necessarily mean no one in charge. What you see is lots of people in charge as factions emerge.

See, humans don't like not having someone in charge. It is the outsourcing of responsibilities. We're all too busy to do the decision making so we give our decision making to someone else to do.

If more people got involved in the decision making process it would be better.

I disagree with the corporates getting it right, no corporates have ever had a Primary focus on their staff. It's all about profits and reducing operating costs. Wages are the first focus point.

Furthermore health care.

Corporations get to vote just like people, this has created Cities as concrete jungles. The environment does not turn a profit for corporations. Concrete does as people walk on it, it keeps people cleaner and it is profitable.

People fear change, I hate corruption. It is the filth of men but it is also a human trait along with greed. That's why it is important to dispose of people who become tanted once their tenure is complete.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

The amount of garbage on that platform is just mind blowing. I don't even use twitter anymore besides Pushing out my content. Besides that it's a bunch of entitle ass hats in my opinion. Couple that with all the new ads all over the platform I'm surprised people even still use that trash.

All that platform has become is a bunch of people feeling they can do everything better than someone else talking a lot of crap while they sit on their butts and expect the world to bow down to them. It's honestly hilarious but disturbing that they are actually getting their way. Freakin buck up people and stop listening to such drivel!

What's the most disappointing thing ever is how much further and further we continue to divide and draw lines based on others views. If twitter is humanity I feel we are all doomed.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

My son and I have discussions about this, indirectly, as we both observe that extremists on the left or right can share the commonality of forcing their beliefs on others and disrespecting peoples rights in pursuit of So called good. That’s why moderates, if you can find them, are important, to separate the good ideas from the wacky, but focus on protecting the rights of everyone, even those you don’t like.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Dispose as in vote out. Remove from office etc

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

You can't fire a politician. They still get paid for life; they just don't have to come into the office any more.

@edicted help. I think i found an exploit in Leo.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

crypto is Internet level 2. The Internet of Value and open market.

Not the Internet of Kings and slaves.

Btw, people hate today's time everyone and everything. Looks so random. They love retarded Entertainment.

No idea where it ends. Is like southpark, without jokes.

Years ago things like this would be funny ( because it's extreme). Today is the average. Random right?

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

hello @edicted ,
I agree with you that the only solution to corruption is to make a system that is auditable by all people a system that cannot be easily altered and that is what the blockchain represents.

Keep working, stop paying.

No reason that the blockchain can't do a better job of distributing goods than any ceo/gov't tag team.

As much as we didn't need dollars when this was written 100 years ago, we need them even less with walmart already having the distribution lines we can coopt on any given Tuesday.

Who would get mad once they see the better deal they are getting?
Not the plebes, for sure.