Scrambling to get rich quickly is ironically the thing making you poor.

in LeoFinance3 years ago


Stop being greedy.

Just stop.

Stop putting so much money into random defi yield farms (a little is fine). Stop margin/leverage trading on debt. Stop increasing your risk when you should be lowering it. Full stop.

You know who doesn't care about this dip? The people who actually had balanced positions and still have fiat to buy back in. And guess what? After they buy back in they STILL have money to buy in again if it dips lower. That's how it works if you actually have a balanced position in the market.

But that's no fun, amirite?

You gotta go all in and make those millions. How's that working out for you? Let me tell you, as a former professional poker player, this is not a sprint. This is a painstaking grind, and if you don't have the mental fortitude for a painstaking grind, you're going to end up losing money rather than gaining it. Simple as that.

Losing money was one of the big reasons I could never advance my skills in poker. I was afraid to play, especially after being up thousands of dollars in a short time period. I knew I was going to lose most of it, perhaps all of it, and I would often avoid playing because I didn't want that to happen. The emotional terror of losing all that money I had just won was too much to continue on with the grind. Don't let that happen to you in crypto: as crypto is much more forgiving than poker. I guarantee it.

Everyone can win here. It's not a competition. This is a cooperative economy. The synergy we create here is forging an abundance of money and resources, something the world hasn't seen... perhaps ever. Money and technology are finally merging after eons of scarcity.


Wow, would you look at that...

Hive has essentially completed an entire volcano pattern within the span of 5 months. Crazy stuff. 20 cent Hive is on the table, and no one is buying. Laughable, but also business as usual.

Hive has always had hardcore support at 10 cents, but it looks like we are going to bottom out at 15 cents minimum. Hopefully we will never hit 10 cents again, but if we do I know for a fact we have hardcore support there. All the big players start buying at that level. I look forward to the day that we forge a new support line, but I've yet to see that hope materialize. Soon™

Trade against the market.

No one was bearish at $60k Bitcoin, and no one is bullish at $30k Bitcoin. Stop listening to the mob and just do the opposite of what they do. The more they cry, the more blood and tears in the streets, the more you buy. The greedier they get, the more you sell, even as the price keeps going up and it feels like you're missing out. Stop the FOMO. Stop the FUD. Stop going all in at the first sign of a dip and make the adult play of DCA in both directions. Yield farming allows us to do this algorithmically without even thinking about it. Stable coins have a lot of power when it comes to high liquidity high yield pairs.

It's a shame I was right.

A lot of my predictions are coming true, unfortunately. Prepare to get dominated. Bitcoin dominance is going up. It is maintaining support here at $30k but it is doing so by wrecking the alts. Too bad so sad, dominance was low and now it's going back up. This was predictable. I expect it to get back to 50% or higher before we get another real altmarket. Even as BTC goes up in value the alts will be afraid the pull the trigger for quite some time. We need another consolidation phase near or above all time highs once again to make it happen.

Fantasy Bitcoin

Remember this? Remember my Venti 20-point trading system? I've been playing this entire time. I sold one point at $40k, $50k, and $60k. I gave myself 20 BTC in this scenario (one per point), so that's $150k fiat on the table. I shoved all in back at the $30k support. Let's hope it holds. I just turned 3 fake BTC into 5. Pretty amazing considering my track record for trading. Perhaps there is something to this style of DCA trading after all. I really need to work on this project more. Good thing my database suits this purpose perfectly.

elemental fire.jpg

Playing with FIRE

Speaking of my Magitek token project, I've realized a bit more how fire, lightning, ice should interact with the system.

Fire can only be created by destroying Hive, so I really want to keep it this way. At first I was thinking I'd like to create inflationary and deflationary pressures here, but now I realize I can take an even better direction. Fire will be used for any and all gambling dapps built on the system. For any application where the price doesn't have to have unit of account (volatile) I'll use fire as the base currency. Fire will never be destroyed or created (apart from burning Hive to convert it to fire). Rather, it will be used to gamble on dapps like Fantasy Bitcoin and Pentaskill.

Lightning is the energy of the network. It will be created and destroyed much more liberally than fire. When you want to mint and NFT, lightning will be destroyed. When you want to farm Aether, lightning will be destroyed. When you want to do anything that destroys a resource, lightning will probably be the go-to asset. On the flip side, multiple assets will be able to create lightning. At first it will just be HBD/mana but the plan is to add additional burns from outside the network. Also stable coins are non-volatile so lightning should be pretty stable and cheap as well for the most part.

Ice, being the official stable coin, is the coin used for unit of account. If you want to sell an NFT, it will be priced in ICE to maintain that ability to price values without having to do conversions on a day to day basis. Anything that needs to be priced in this way will be done with the ICE asset. By default, the network will bend over backwards to maintain this stability if necessary using governance voting to tweak the numbers.


There's a helluva lot more to crypto than number go up. Those who focus on price get tunnel vision and find themselves counting chickens before they've hatched. You can't see the forest from the trees. Keep your head down and avoid all this noise. The stress isn't doing anyone any favors.

This is a grind. This is not supposed to be all sunshine and rainbows. Funny how everyone forgets that. How is that even possible? How is it possible that people don't even understand what the terms HODL and diamond-hands mean? How is it that these terms are only employed at full-force when the market is doing well? I think the answers lie somewhere in delusion.

Stop trying to get rich quick.

Even if it works, the risk it took to get there wasn't worth it.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


I've always been risk averse, which has its advantages and disadvantages. One thing I see from the crypto space though is people are definitely too eager to cash out and feel like professional traders rather than explore the space and enjoy the experience.

Everyone can win here. It's not a competition. This is a cooperative economy. The synergy we create here is forging an abundance of money and resources, something the world hasn't seen... perhaps ever. Money and technology are finally merging after eons of scarcity.

You are wise.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

You’re right

Very true. I picked up some at 18 cents. Too good to be true. If it hits the long term 10-15c support range then its time to load the bags has hard as I can.

Losing money was one of the big reasons I could never advance my skills in poker. I was afraid to play, especially after being up thousands of dollars in a short time period. I knew I was going to lose most of it, perhaps all of it, and I would often avoid playing because I didn't want that to happen. The emotional terror of losing all that money I had just won was too much to continue on with the grind.

So many people think skill (or even luck) is what makes successful poker players. But the really important factor long-term is bankroll management.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Even worse: tells

Oh he scratched his nose that means he's bluffing.

lol, yeah, it's not the movies, kid
it's math

Good write up. You have indeed open so many people eyes. To back up what you said in a nutshell i can say 'a patient dog eat the fattest bone'
Thanks for sharing. Like what i wrote in my blog today this community is really meant for those that want to learn

Posted via

Getting rich quick isn't guaranteed but wealth is sure as hell on the table, just don't be afraid of being shitty poor at some point. May the force be with us in these days of poverty.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Very wise words bro, I agree with you. Crypto is not for getting rich overnight. You have to be patient, make good decisions to see the benefits.

for me is insane was a fud campaign can do. I know marketing is strong, but this was next-level FUD marketing last weeks. It was so much in such a short time period. Insane.

#Hodl :)

Joke's on you because I was already poor before I tried to get rich quick and ended poorer.

Being very new to crypto, this was the first time I saw things drop this hard... and yet I keep my diamond hands strong!

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I agree that DCA is around practice, and it always pays to have a little fiat/stable coins for the next dip.

Congratulations on conquering your gambling tendencies, I see so much here as people try to regain losses, and end up losing more.

So sad, but these are grown people, in control of the decisions and destiny.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Stop trying to get rich quick.

The key point of the article and what everyone should be listening. I prefer things to be boring and growing slowly. Ah I didn't realize that the BTC dominance was going up and maintaining price by whacking the alt-coins.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

This kind of makes me think of when I used to play Final Fantasy back in the day. There was a special area where you could level up really quickly early in the game. The only problem was you died a lot too. I remember hitting the reset button a ton of times while I was slowly grinding up my levels.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

It seems the greed-fear human psychological dance is inevitable. Even when we're conscious of it, it still plays out the same way.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Great post. You got me FOMOing for more HIVE and im totally looking forward to your project.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I played poker for a living for just over a year bout a decade back. Between that and arb betting, I paid my dues and leant bank role management is the only way to win the game long term. I treat all my investments like this. If you put yourself into a position where you cant go broke, you never will.

This is a great post and im almost tempted to steal the idea and write something similar. lol

Great share

  • SSUK

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta