That could literally happen tomorrow based off the whims of a small group of central bankers. The situation we are in is totally unpredictable. Although I must admit that I am personally enjoying this current stability.
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Are there protections against these old dudes?
Indeed! Don't sell your crypto for worthless fiat even when the price is spiking. They can print out as much as they want.
Also, we can fork the network to get away from bad actors. Hive already has first hand experience forking the network away from a hostile takeover. It works pretty well.
Yeah I have been reading about this story, but I couldn't find the details of what Justin Sun did wrong, all I could find was about hostile takeover. Why hostile? What did he do? What was his intentions of buying Steemit?
I didn't like his lie about the hackers, as it was the community who hijacked his funds.
I don't know too much about this and I don't really care too much about it, but wouldn't mind knowing what he did wrong.
I also hate it when the term "hackers" is used out of term, by the context he meant it by, it was was the word "crackers".
Then again, this was something else entirely to both words.
Get it right please everybody mmmkay.
Well the worst thing he did was convince Binance, Huobi, and Poloniex to power up the coins of their clients in order to vote 20 of his witnesses to into consensus and unlock his money so he could use that to vote in this sock puppet witnesses as well.
Then we had an epic voting war to retake the chain that lasted a while and the whole time he tried to tell us we needed to hardfork so the exchanges could power down instantly.
Then he stole 26M steem from investors after we forked to hive.
It's a long and crazy story
"Well the worst thing he did was convince Binance, Huobi, and Poloniex to power up the coins of their clients in order to vote 20 of his witnesses to into consensus and unlock his money so he could use that to vote in this sock puppet witnesses as well."
How is that different of getting your money back and playing by the rules of market share? But more importantly, why did his money get locked up in the first place?
"Then we had an epic voting war to retake the chain that lasted a while and the whole time he tried to tell us we needed to hardfork so the exchanges could power down instantly." I don't like these tactics, checking out the crypto termanlogy as we go along by the way, if the motive for doing a hard fork is purely to win personal gain, I don't like it.
But other motives may well be good for everybody im sure.
"Then he stole 26M steem from investors after we forked to hive."
How did he steal that? Trying to be objective to understand what happened in this "crypto social media war"
lol man read the article on Decrypt
He bought Steemit Inc behind closed doors, made veiled threats about absorbing the community into Tron and destroying the Steem token, and refused to talk to the witnesses until his money got frozen.
He used money that wasn't his to attack the network.
He used investor funds being held on centralized exchanges to hack consensus.
He centralized an entire decentralized network to one server and made it extremely vulnerable and weak.
Non transparent moves are rarely fair or honorable, i see your point. Sounds like he is NWO... I don't like them because they are delusional baboons, dumbest of the tribes here on Earth in my opinion.
But anyway, how can a new user make some money around here?
That ability to fork is also a reason why some people stay away from HIVE. What's to stop the witnesses from colluding and forking out someone's stake? In theory, nothing, and it's a lot easier to get 17 people to agree on something that it is hundreds or thousands to agree on something...
I think about that a lot. What if a champion of the people ascended to power and began a crusade to take resources away from the elite and give it to the people? Wouldn't the elite do what they always do, and stab Caesar 100 times on the senate floor?
At the same time, pulling something like this is just as risky as what Justin Sun did. Are you really going to risk it all by potentially alienating the entire community? The chance that such a hardfork would backfire is massive, and the chance of a counter hardfork is even bigger.
This counter-hardfork would nullify the stake of all those 17 witnesses and possibly even the big whales that voted for them (if you could show that those whales were in on it). You'd easily be able to show that those whales were in on it because, as we've already seen, it's more preferable to correct the injustice rather than start all over again with a new fork. Lines would be drawn, and I have faith that the 17 bad actor witnesses in this case would "never work in this town again". All they'd be left with was a gutted network with tons of selling pressure, and unlike Justin Sun, they would not have to finances to prop up the value of the coin and they'd look like instant failures.
Anyone can fork any crypto and create whatever rules they want.
The question is: who's going to follow them?
Yeah, I think it's pretty clear, just as with economics, the threat of competition is just as effective as real competition, and the threat of the entire community just upping and leaving is enough in itself to thwart the idea of a hostile takeover. I almost completely rule out the possibility of another after having seen the failure in real time. I think it even less likely that current witnesses somehow do a 180 degree turn about from their demonstrated commitment to the crypto ethos. No, no. They've shown themselves to be the real thing. HIVE has a foundation to build on that is every cryptocurrency's envy.
That having been said, I also agree with @jrcornel with regards to the need to expand the number of witnesses. That is something I think that needs to be one of our top priorities.
I'd like to see a lot more non-consensus witnesses at the very least.
Paying one 1 random every 21 blocks seems stingy at best.
Maybe, maybe not. Many people are here for the rewards, probably the majority in fact, so it's tough to say how many of them would actually leave were this situation to play out.
A more likely an equally scary scenario would be that the witnesses hid within the code a bug that allocated them inflation or more inflation than they are supposed to be getting. Much of the community would be oblivious to it for some time. Not saying our current witnesses would do this, but I'm saying that having only 17 people needed to pull off something like that is an issue.
Overall, I think we need to change the consensus witnesses number well beyond 17, but perhaps it is setup this way initially to get the infrastructure built that they want with plans to further decentralize down the road? That's my hope anyways.
That's 100% impossible because it would instantly destroy consensus across every single node in existence. It would alter every witness signature and every block_id across the entire network. It would be clear to all non-consensus nodes immediately that the witnesses went rogue and booted up a hardfork without telling anyone.
All that being said, I'm sure there's many shady things they could do that haven't been conceived of yet. Even the threat of such a thing is detrimental to investor sentiment regardless of the threat even being possible. Sometimes perception is reality.
No, I am saying the hf was already expected and other things were slipped in.