Market Watch: Insanity.

in LeoFinance4 years ago


We've all seen the insanity over the last few days.

The entire world is in an obvious state of instability right now. Whether this "disruption" will be good or bad in the short-term is yet to be seen, but for every reaction there is an opposite reaction.


I think it's pretty clear that the snapback whiplash reaction to all this is inevitable, but so far it's just empty threats.

SEC vows to punish ‘abusive activity’ amid GameStop, Robinhood drama

Oh, is that so, Securities Exchange Commission?

Do you "vow"?

Because the SEC is such an honorable and trustworthy organization?


Seriously, think about it.

What are they going to do?
What can they do?

This is like trying to stop file-sharing all over again. All they can do is take the top 0.01% offenders to trial. Going after everyone is downright expensive, and logistically impossible given time constraints. More likely they simply impose more draconian measures for retail investors and allow institutions more financial privacy than ever before. These hedge funds usually keep their shorts a secret for a reason.


This entire situation really shows just how fragile the system really is. The 2008 housing crisis was created on accident with overextended loans. After seeing this, the next economic crisis very well may be incited on purpose. The people are over it.

There's also a conspiracy theory going around that it was crypto whales who organized this whole thing in the first place to point out the cracks in the system and get people headed over to the new open-source economy. Not much evidence (if any) on that front so I do not subscribe (yet), and at the same time crypto is getting blamed for a lot lately. It's very clear that blockchain tech will be facing serious resistance in the years ahead.


Now here's a meme I can identify with. When I was a kid Gamestop was a thriving business. I remember if I was bored at the mall I'd walk over to Gamestop just to see what was going on at the time and window shop.

I can only imagine the ease of which to get like-minded individuals to pool resources in order to squeeze a 138% short sell on a company whose roots are embedded into the memory of an entire generation. Old habits die hard.

How Redditors Beat Hedge Funds at Their Own Game(Stop)

But the value of a company can’t be reduced to its expected future earnings. One must also consider a wide range of other factors. Among them: How much nostalgia does the firm inspire in users of the Reddit forum r/wallstreetbets? And would a rally in GameStop shares be funny? Which is to say, has the firm crossed the “so bad it’s good” threshold, as inadvertent comedic masterpieces like The Room or Troll 2 had done before it?


Reminder on short selling:

In order to short a stock, you must borrow shares of said stock at interest. You owe the stocks back at a later date, with interest, so the more time that goes by the more you owe. The guy who shorted the housing market in 2008 lost a lot of money in interest before striking gold, and he took a lot of heat for his gamble.

The important thing to note here is that shorting anything costs an overhead premium because one must borrow assets to short them.

The flagrant thing about Melvin Capital shorting Gamestop is that they "borrowed" 138% of all the stock in circulation. So not only did they borrow shares from people who weren't offering to lend them, but they borrowed shares that didn't even exist.

How were they able to do this?

On January 22, 2021, approximately 140 percent of GameStop's float (the portion of shares of a corporation that are in the hands of public investors) had been sold short, meaning some shorted shares had been re-lent and shorted again.

Yep, just like margin trading crypto. Shares were borrowed, sold, and then borrowed again. Can you imagine that? Borrowing a share like 5 times and selling it back to the person you borrowed it from just to borrow it again? Welcome to Wall Street.



And let's not forget dear old Dogecoin, which is apparently the Gamestop of crypto. x10 in 24 hours? lol

Once again, my x10 Rule plays out perfectly. If an asset you hold goes x10 in a short time... you sell a good chunk, no questions asked. Funny how Dogecoin holders were able to respond to this pump much faster than Gamestop. Crypto people know the deal. Volatility is our game.



As far as Bitcoin is concerned I'm still overall bearish on Q1, but in the very short term we look pretty bullish still. We've tested $30k support four times now and have really good volume. All the on-chain metrics and analysis look good.

However, on-chain analysis and whatever else mean nothing in the face of crippling regulations and increased taxes. Add to that new deadlier strains of COVID and a fresh round of lockdowns and anything could happen. I'm almost betting on some kind of Black Swan event to occur in Q1 at this point.

I've made reference to the Greatest Depression a few times, but there are some variables we need to realize. The Great Depression only happened because we were still on the gold standard. Banks couldn't print money out of thin air because there was no gold to peg it to. Now, everything has changed. Nothing is going to make sense in the face of infinite QE and negative interest rates.


Remember this 2019 fractal?

That was five days ago... so where are we now?


If we keep following the pattern we've got one spike up to around $40k before Q1 crashes into the mountain.


Damned if you do, damned if you don't.

The future has never been more uncertain.
However, one thing is absolutely clear.
Centralized power is being disrupted, and for good reason.
Corruption is a threat to humanity as a whole.
All we can do is stay the course and ride these waves out.
HODL on to the crypto life-boat for dear life!


Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


I still think I'm right. This is not the fractal repeating, this is more like a 2017 dip which is now over.

As always, all bets are off if the stock market decides to take a nose dive because of renewed recession fears.

I think you are right as well.

that's one rickety ass lifeboat, I'm having more faith in crypto than that :)

If the titanic was sinking and that was the lifeboat that kept you alive for 2 hours until help arrived... you'd be pretty proud of that rickety piece of garbage. Many will freeze in the icy depths.

Of course the idea with crypto is that we build it out into an even better boat in real time, so the analogy starts to break down when paired with reality.

of course a lifeboat is better than no lifeboat :P. We could call our crypto ship HMS Hypetanic, the hype alone would make it unsinkable :)))

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Those WSB Guys have been a real inspiration to the world. GME is now not only a Stock, it's the 'Stonk of Freedom'. And we all helped each other. After they got shut down on Discord and Reddit (for 24h) Musk and some Washington Senators aided, their names have to be remembered. When Robin Hood shut them down and Stock dropped, Europe pulled it up again to nearly +75% pre US Market opening. And in the end, the Week Ende with the Squeeze surviving and WSB +5.5Million Members on Reddit.

I expect the consequences to be detrimental to the free market and Crypto will rise like never before. They will come will full force and they will be naughty and nasty and as always, the decentralized web will be more savage and ready for victory.

Insanity is a very appropriate word, especially for this moment. This week was very intense for the market (and certainly for investors too).

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Black swans every year... I wouldn't bet on that.

The new WSB now is the XRP army that seems to have borrowed the strategy and take XRP to $589 :))

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Black Swan meaning a retracement to $20k, which isn't really a Black Swan at all; retesting all time highs. People would just call it a Black Swan cause drama.

If Ripple would stick to the original plan which is creating a fungible IOU credit system then $589 would seem very feasible. However, they wanted to get in bed with the banks sealing their fate. There is a reason why Jed McCaleb left and has been selling it aggressively.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Insanity is too less said, it is out of the stratosphere what is happening. And some people are going on the crazy train and than when all it falls apart they remain crazy for life. This should that you shouldn't FOMO and choose wisely your investments beside the case when you afford to burn money.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

The system is incredibly fragile. I do believe this will be a big moment for crypto as the migration to decentralized currencies begins in the near future.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Dogecoin has been Bitcoin’s neglected stepbrother. Most consider it a joke but yet who is the joke really on? It’s the perfect asset to prove a point. In the end the legacy system is all BS. I think Elon would concur.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Dogecoin has a community. Many reject that this is a fundamental asset. They look at what the coin can do rather than what the community can do.

I stayed up that night for Dogecoin and sold at $0.07 once I saw it starting to fall. In my head I'm thinking to myself these people don't understand there are MASSIVE amounts of Doge just being held by thousands of people waiting to be dumped. $0.07 is HUGE for a coin you pretty much picked up at $0.002 a year ago lol One thing to go after a shorted stock it's another to try and pump a crypto with nearly a trillion coins behind it already facepalm I guess thanks for the money? lol

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Yeah they got drunk with power... the entire point of pumping a "meme asset" was supposed to be squeezing shorts. They should have been looking for a crypto with low market cap with a large number of shorts behind it. Instead they were just like, "DOGE is meme asset... lets pump too!" lol... what?

Get wrecked, Reddit... lol.

"Success consists of going from failure to failure without loss of enthusiasm" - Winston Churchill.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

We are living in exciting times! HODL!

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I can only imagine how you felt but, looking from the bright side, there are always opportunities around us. I believe that you're going in the right direction, and although, you haven't made a decision similar to this man, you will make better ones in the future. Boi's there with you!

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Wow, so in line with what you are saying and it´s clear enough for a Noob like me... THX

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Love the turtle meme btw

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta



Everyone keeps using the word "coordinated". And I'll agree that it started off that way, but as soon as the general public got involved it turned into a runaway train. The only control they hold is how fast they want to plough into the next meme placed on the tracks.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Thank you for today. I think I'm going to go around 20K.
The greatest crisis in history, The New Great Depression is coming.
A new opportunity is coming for us.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


This was a fun read, including gaming and B movie references. Although I missed out on the trading fun here, I am enjoying these exciting times. Even if BTC would go to 10k again, I wouldn't really mind, especially as I'm getting a couple of steps closer to selling my house and I could sure use some more crypto before the next serious move up.

Enjoy the remainder of your weekend!

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta