I HATED Writing in School.

in LeoFinance2 years ago


Funny how the thing I hated in school is the thing I'm doing for money right now (and have been doing for 5 years). How is that even possible? The answer? Institutional education is trash.

School Isn't about learning; its about conformity.

Doesn't matter whether it's public school or private (although obviously private is a slightly better education). School isn't about teaching kids things they need to know. Ha, that's a joke.

Notice how kids never have any options as to what they are taught. Notice how they are never taught to be self-sufficient, but dependent on the state. How many children come out of school knowing how to tend a garden or scale up a farm? Nope, can't have that. Do something else and buy essential products from the corporations.

More about socialization than learning.

Just look at the homeschool kids and the stereotypes that come out of that situation. Homeschool kids are... odd. They don't know how to interact with their peers like those who went to institutional establishments. And it is a jungle out there. Kids are shitty and there are very little boundaries in place to stop things like bullying and whatever else. Puberty is a particularly ridiculous transition that turns toxic very easily within the society we've built. Boys will be boys! Mean girls get away with it every time.

Same with drugs

Look at crazy ass Tom Cruise saying something smart. Drugs aren't about fixing a problem; they are about conformity. They are about hiding the problem so the person can go to work and continue being a productive slave to capitalism. Mask the problem. That is all.

So why did I hate writing?

Because every topic I was being forced to write about was shit. I had zero interest in writing a book report on some book I didn't even want to read in the first place. Who cares? Not this guy.

The only way to maintain interest is to write about something one actually cares about. Ironically enough, here I am meta writing about how writing is trash. Hm, that's a new one.

Look at me go!

Can't write a five paragraph essay about Boo Radley but I can write 5000 words on the police state. Don't even need to take a break. Just keep writing for hours till it's done.

So what we can see happening here is that school actually turns off kids to learning. Being educated and 'a nerd' becomes the not cool thing to do. Haha, look at the nerd. He's trying. Look at him try!

If the things we learned about in school actually mattered (or more importantly the kids wanted to learn the things being taught) the fabric of our entire culture would change. Alas, I still live in this world. Too bad. So sad.


I'm sure I could write more on this topic, but in the spirit of my origins, meh. I'll just stop here. No reason to pad my essay to the minimum 3 pages required. Post ends when I say it ends.

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I would add shitposting to the curriculum, it takes a lot to become truly proficient at it :P

I wrote for others and made some nice money that way.


The hive blockchain have created that opportunity for many users to derive the passion and likeness to write probably because of the rewards and benefits attached to it. But then I would say the changes is clear because things you don't do before is now occuring on a daily basis that now look even hard to neglect.

I also don't like writing much but with the impact and opportunites hive have given I would say I can't miss a day without writing or reading other people's content because I derive joy doing so without regrets.

Well you seem to have developed yourself excellently and it shows in you writings. School was the biggest bore of my life and most days I got hidings for not doing my homework. Conformity se moer as we say here, as we are all individuals and to shove us into a camp like sheep to be brainwashed is to my mind sheer madness.

Back then in school I always knew I was not learning the much I know from my teachers, it was out of my curiosity if something. We go to school every day because we don't want our parents to feel we were wayward or not serious with our lives.

Every time I see students that are doing far better than myself, it always made me happy instead of sad because I knew there was something I was good at but no matter how he or she tries, they won't be able to do what I do. I realized that everyone is who they are, they have their own unique thing that makes them stand out.

There are some that loves going to school because they easily understand what they are thought, why there are some that it's almost impossible to understand even a simple sentence and also, there are some that are struggling to do well and it just works for them even if it's not the best. I'm in the last category, I struggled through my secondary school, I never for once came first in anything, sometimes I felt like a dullard but I knew I wasn't.

There are many people out there who didn't go for special classes to acquire a skill but they are so good at it that even those that claim to be learned go to them for help. You are a great writer here because you saw that it was not a do or die affair, you had the choice to grow at your own pace and that was what we lacked the most while we were in school. It's very hard for parents to give their children the chance to grow at their own pace, it's almost impossible.

Just like you concluded, you are the one that says the end and we the readers just have to flow with it.

Same. I think we just hated school and secretly loved writing… but all of our creativity was smashed into the ground by rules to make us hate life forever. Good thing some of us found another way to live.

I wonder if all kids would renounce school where society would be today. Do you think we would be more advanced? I don't think so as besides thinking that we learned things we don't use, I believe we extracted from each domain what we were interested in.

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I wasn't a bad writer in school but I always found it hard to reach the minimum number of words required in a essay. I can write and could write coherently about anything I have anything to say but I despise having to cough up filler sentences to reach an arbitrary number of words. I know some bloggers on Hive whose bread and butter it seems to ramble on to fulfill what seems like a quota they have set for themselves. It seems to be working well. Curators probably find themselves wishing that the post ended in the middle of them and press upvote to get it over with. :D

(You are not among these. You're pretty skilled at breaking up your posts into paragraphs that express an idea succinctly and making up good headlines for your paragraphs.)

As a social environment school sucked. But I don't recall the academic subjects being that so bad. Some of the stuff was rather interesting and the three foreign languages I had were very useful to learn, English in particular. I didn't mind math, either.

We usually had choice when it comes to topics for our essays. Sometimes you'd have to write a book review about a book. We could usually pick any novel from a library out of some broad category and write a review of that.

I think it an exaggeration to say that school is not about learning but conformity. It's obviously about both. You do learn many useful basic skills and basic information without which you'd be pretty helpless and/or easily conned.

Haha. Similarly, I hated school. xD I wish I had the patience to homeschool my son. Won't let him take it seriously if doesn't want to.

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Ha ha well said dude "Institution is trash".

The same storry here also.🤪🙉🥰🥰

Many of us hate school just that the impact on us we live with us forever. You have every right to hate school in Africa but that is the only thing that truly give your life meaning here

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Writing seems to be the most difficult thing for most people in school, but it was also one of the best thing during those days

Writing can really do wonders. I love to write when I have time

Lol, homeschool kids.

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Education is a fundamental aspect of life that cannot afford to be neglected. That being said , one actually wonders if education or learning so to say starts and ends in the four walls of a classroom , my answer is no !

I suppose my perspective is somewhat similar, only different.

I have always loved writing; I preferred "writing stories" to drawing, even as a pre-teen. But I never really likes writing in school, I just liked writing for my own benefit.

For the same reason, I never did well as a technical writer (even though it was my profession) and I never did well writing for magazines, because I always felt bound by a bunch of constraints.

Blogging — which I discovered around maybe 1998 or 1999 — opened a gateway to a form of writing I truly enjoy. Hive is merely the newest iteration of that.


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Now you make me understand the reason I hate writting so much. I've always thought it was boring and whenever I try to nothing comes to my head. Blogging on leofinance have finally change that because I tend to write topics I can relate to and before I know it, the words starts coming and flowing and I start writing. It's amazing how this happens...

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I read some where that in China kids are immediately moved to special classes once they show interest in topic related to fields like medicine, aviation or music.

I hate reading I'm dyslexic but I have to try...now I write daily about medical topics because I also had to become a doctor to survive in my mad country.

I think any country that adopts your method will eventually out do the rest of us slower unwilling ones.

I can truly relate to this :)

School seemed too forced, I loved reading but I couldn't when I was in school and I always flunked classes but look at me now, my teachers would be proud.

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Truer words have never been spoken!!
#schoolisshit #saynotoconformity #forgeyourpath

I feel much in the same boat I hated writing in school and when I did finally write about something I really enjoyed she gave me a D on the paper lol lame Now all I do is write all day long. I'd actully be curious to see if there's something that tracks all the words I type in a day across all platforms. Also wondering if dragon speaking is any good so I can just talk in sentences instead haha

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And you are someone's favorite Author.... What an Irony!

Funny thing I remember reading somewhere that most of us forget 90%+ of what we learned from school after we graduate. However what remains is memories of the friends that influenced you in your inner circle.

I can remember all the dumb things I did with my friends but I can't recite a single equation I learned in math class..... not even now... daym. I tried.

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