Lots of buzz on the Internet and everywhere else, for today is POTUS election day. Families are turning against each other. A vote for Trump gets you outcast and canceled from liberal society. That's how you know they got ya by the balls, when you're willing throw your own family to the wolves over some stupid election that doesn't matter.
How many voters actually stand for infinite war, the police state, and slavery through incarceration? How many voters stand for Wall Street? How many voters stand for oil and bombing weddings so we can get more of it?
Nobody stands for any of that shit, yet no matter who wins the elite will carry on enslaving humanity and laughing all the way to the bank. These sociopaths think it's hilarious that they can get us to fight each other like this. They don't even have to lift a finger; we do all the dirty work for them.
Divide and conquer!
America has its greedy little tendrils gripping every country that has any value whatsoever. The key to making sure the lower class doesn't revolt here is to exploit the lower class of other nations to prop up the bottom of our own pyramid. Other than that, make sure they have plenty of distractions like Netflix, Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, porn, drugs, and whatever else. Soma is a strong motivator to stay apathetic.
Other than that, they make sure to get everyone riled up over non-events like this election. A vote for Trump is a vote for white supremacy; a vote for Biden is a vote for pedophiles and the deep state. Blah blah blah. THEY'RE BOTH PUPPETS, DAMN IT! None of this matters.
As a fan of Chaos Theory, I'm rooting for chaos. I can't wait for those unknown unknowns to pop their heads up and mess up all these grand plans. Watching the elite scramble is more fun than watching the lower class scramble. And trust me, the elite is doing no scrambling today. They win, we lose. This is the way of the world. Get used to it, loser!
Luckily Bitcoin is so valuable that corporations are coming around. As much as I hate corporations and corporate-personhood, I like the idea of non-exclusive financial practices more. The entire point is that you can't stop them from being part of the new system, that's what gives the system so much value. It's like freedom of speech. You're not supposed to silence someone just because you don't agree. I think liberals need to take a step back and remember that at times like this.
So now that corps are FOMOing into Bitcoin, that means that attacking Bitcoin is synonymous with attacking the corporations/governments/banks that are accumulating it. That means that it's going to become x1000 times harder to attack Bitcoin going forward because these entities will not allow any of that nonsense, which is good for everyone. We all need this even playing field to move forward and evolve. Flat architecture will reign supreme. No pyramids allowed.
Make sure to tell at least one person that this pointless clusterfuck of an election is just that: pointless. Let's stop consenting to the elite to spin us around like tops and see where we land, shall we? Sounds good to me.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
History teaches us that “divide & conquer” is the most powerful mind control invented and used everyday. The Internet has had the opposite effect as intended, instead of broadening our experiences it allows us to find others with the same limited view of issues and pat each other on the back fir fully embracing 2 dimensional views of a 3 dimensional world and feeling like we know and understand everything. It also makes divide and conquer play 24x7 all over the world making the job of the controlling elite easier.
We are f—cked.
Imagine a world where everyone submitted a blank vote. I'd like to see the faces on the elite were that to happen. Although, the elite would've had to vote in order to be surprised by the lack of votes, therefore not having a lack of votes.. oh no.. Oh well, maybe we can still try to imagine at least
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
This puppet show is so old and obvious and folks still fall for it. Mark Twain used to say that if votes would matter they wouldn't let us vote and I was telling this to so many people around elections in my country but nobody listens. Too much indoctrination. Most even refuse to see these elites that are ruling the world and have actually no party that they belong to. Agree with you on the distractions, they're so many... and so colorful keeping humanity under control even easier.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Sounds good to me. On it.
And if I said the first step to climbing a mountain is taking the first step, you'd be like, "You can't climb a mountain with one step, dumbass." Hearts and minds; it starts there.